Summary: | This research focused on the uncertainty in the industrial project selection
problem. In the real environment, several risk factors threaten the project's
success which may lead to financial harm. However, such risk factors are not
constant and may take various values depending on the project's environment.
Therefore, the classic decision-making methods may fail to correctly address the
actual risk factor values and select the best project among the alternatives. This
research aims to find the critical risk factors that threaten a project through its
life cycle and propose a decision-making method to select the best project with
the lowest total risk factor in the presence of uncertainty. For this purpose, a
multi-stage method is proposed where in the first stage, a Delphi method is used
to determine influential factors that may affect project success through its life
cycle. Then, a questionnaire is designed to find the opinion of the statistical
society where project experts are considered as statistical society. The statistical
analysis was then carried out to specify the variables' descriptions, find
correlations between them, and determine their values in project success (as the
dependent variable). Then, in the next stage, a new hybrid AHP and Dempster-
Shafer (DS) Theory of Evidence is proposed, which was worked based on the
uncertainty level of the risk factors. The proposed method could determine each
alternative total risk level range and then report the best alternative with the
lowest total risk level range. The findings showed that the risks could be divided
into four main risk clusters, which are: Properties Risk Factors (Infrastructure,
Machinery, Human Resource); Technology and Operational Risk Factors
(Scheduling, Technology, Operational Risk, Management Systems); Financial
Risk Factors (Evaluating projects, Profit, Costs, Money Value); Strategic Risk
Factor (Competition, Market share, Marketing, Customer Satisfaction). In order
to examine the performance of the proposed method, a Taguchi Method (L2^4)
is designed for designing 24 experiments. The outcomes indicated that the
proposed method could solve all small, medium, and large-scale experiments.
Moreover, it could find the project with the lowest total risk range in all cases.
While solving time comes into consideration, the proposed method solved the
Small-scale problems in [0.036 0.054], Medium scale problems in [0.033 0.088],
and Large-scale problems in [0.062 0.557] seconds, depending on the nature of
the project. It is also noticeable that the proposed method could solve all
experiments (including large-scale experiments with 30 experts, 13 risk factors,
10 alternatives and 5 contract options) in less than one second. The outcomes
showed that the proposed hybrid method could select projects with the lowest
total risk factor up to 90.53% for small-scale studied cases, up to 94.45% for
medium-scale studied cases and 19.61% for large-scale studied cases
depending to the scale of the case studies.