Summary: | Buckling occurs when composite laminated plates are forced into shear or
compression. Composite materials combine two or more components to
minimize weight while preserving strength and less attention has been paid to
composite plate buckling. In order to develop more efficient and lighter
structures, holes are frequently required. Also, to improve reliability and
performance, these structural components must be analysed with various hole
shapes under in-plane loads such as shear. Although research has been done
on the effect of cutouts on plate structure, little is known about shear loading on
symmetrical angle plied square plates with center cutouts. As a result, the
current study used a circular hole in the center of the plate with angle ply stacking
and shear loading as well as to evaluate the influence of shear load directions
on the behavior of symmetric angle ply CFRP laminates.
To achieve the study's objectives, an understanding of laminated square plate
buckling is required, particularly under shear loads. The current work analysis is
completely numerical, using FEA software. This method has been studied for
use in the current study since it can save time and cost. Since the current study
uses ABAQUS to complete the analysis, the method for using the software is
The results of the numerical analysis are compared to previously available
theoretical data gathered through a literature study. The percentage difference
used in this study must be less than 10% to be legitimate and accepted. Carbonfiber
reinforced polymers (CFRP) were chosen for the current investigation due
to their material properties and common application in aerospace. This work's
basic model geometry is a 200mm x 200mm square plate with no cutout. The
model's central section is removed to further investigate shear buckling behavior
of laminated square plates. The type of hole analysed is circular to guarantee
The hole diameter/width ratio, d/b on perforated plates can affect the shear
buckling behavior of square perforated plates. As the hole ratio d/b increases,
the plate's strength decreases. The study's findings showed that composite
structural parts with plate holes require special consideration. They have
variable buckling capabilities depending on the shear stress and the holes. The
perforated plate with a hole d/b of 0.5 exhibits the greatest decrease in critical
buckling stresses, whereas the perforated plate with a hole d/b of 0.1 exhibits
the least reduction in critical buckling stresses.
Additionally, the results of the analysis of plates with cutouts subjected to shear
loadings can be used to guide researchers and engineers in determining the size
of the hole that can be generated in their plate structure designs, notably in finite
element analysis.