Summary: | High environmental temperature has detrimental effects on the gastrointestinal tract of poultry. An experiment was conducted to determine the
effect of acute heat stress on endogenous amino acid (EAA) flow in
broiler chickens. A total of 90, day-old broiler chicks were housed in
battery cages in an environmentally controlled chamber. Chicks were
fed a nitrogen-free diet on day 42 following either no heat exposure
(no-heat) or 2 weeks exposure to 35 ± 1 �C for 3 h from days 28 to 42
(2-week heat) or 1 week exposure to 35 ± 1 �C for 3 h from days 35 to
42 (1 week heat). The most abundant amino acid in the ileal flow was
glutamic acid, followed by aspartic acid, serine and threonine in nonheat stressed group. The EAA flow in 1-week heat and 2-week heat
birds were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those under no heat
exposure (14682, 11161 and 9597 mg/kg of dry matter intake respectively). Moreover, the EAA flow of 2-week heat group was less than
1-week heat group by approximately 36%. These observations suggest
that the effect of heat stress on EAA flow is mostly quantitative; however, heat stress may also alter the content of EAA flow qualitatively.