Summary: | Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, they said. But what is beauty? Some might say it is the aesthetic part of anything, while others might say it is the determinant of wages discriminant among corporate worker (Sierminska & Liu, 2015). And who to say some are wrong and some are right, for we are entitled to form our opinion individually. It is the gift of our faculties that provide us our unique understanding on how we process our cognitive contact with the world around us (Efron, 1969). By understanding that individual perceive things differently, this research embarks on exploring how Form Four students in an esteemed Ulul Albab school perceive their education, particularly on quranic aspect of the Ulul Albab curriculum. This research is a case study which involves a total of six informants selected by typical purposive sampling. A semi-structured focus group interview was conducted in this study. The instrument was developed by researchers and its content has been validated by panel of experts. The interviews were analyzed mainly using constant comparative method utilizing Atlas ti.8 software. The analyzed data led to the conclusion of three sub-themes explaining the crux theme; Guidance for the afterlife/hereafter.