Summary: | This paper is meant as an overview and updates of fundamental information on cancers. It contains many cancer-related aspects that primary care providers and professionals (PCPP) need to be reminded of and aware in their quest for convincing reason and purpose in dealing with cancer patients. Cancer incidence and prevalence have been alarming in the world. There were about 25 new cancers and 16 cancer deaths every minute in the world in 2008. The causes of cancers are multi-factorial; right from the family history, pathogens, environmental elements, personaldietary choices to exercise. Preventive measures are effective in managing the modifiable factors such as staying away from carcinogenic agents and practising healthy life-styles. There was evidence that lacking confidence in knowledge of cancer and risk assessment were common barriers among the PCPPs for effective cancer care. Many patients with cancer desired more information about life after cancerfrom their PCPPs. Being in the front-line of health systems and functioning as gate-keepers in primary care, essential cancer-related knowledge is important for PCPPs. Thus, this paper aims to provide some update on cancerepidemiology, causes, preventive measures and classification of cancers to PCPPs.