Summary: | Increasing application of advance oxidation processes (AOPs) to industrial wastewater has been observed
recently. However, an integrated approach of biological and chemical treatment of industrial wastewater also
merits consideration. In this paper, the use of advance oxidation process using hydrogen peroxide on textile
wastewater was studied for removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), colour
and total suspended solids. The textile wastewater was treated using an activated sludge process (extended
aeration) prior to oxidizing by hydrogen peroxide. Up to 99% of biodegradable compound was removed by the
biological process whereas the non-biodegradable content being the larger component due to the nature of
textile wastewater needed hydrogen peroxide concentration of is at 2ml/L (v/v) at a contact time of 30 minutes
for optimum COD, TOC and colour removal.