Summary: | Background/Objectives: To propose gap analysis technique is to gather porting requirements for mobile application porting project. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Static-group Comparison method was used to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique. 3 mobile development organizations that are specializing in mobile application porting project were participated in this study. All together 10 participants were involved. Interview and questionnaire technique were used to identify the characteristics and issues during gathering of porting requirements. From the analysis, at the moment porting requirements are gathered using ad-hoc method or using their own intuitions. Hence the porting requirements are ambiguous and not consistent. Findings: Formalizing the porting requirement activity is essential to ensure the completeness and quality of the ported requirements. Gap analysis technique is significantly faster with precise requirements than the ad-hoc techniques. Application/Improvements: Gap analysis offers a formalized way to gather porting requirement to ensure the completeness and quality of a ported mobile application.