Summary: | Purpose:
The study is a survey form ex post facto and the purpose of this study was to identify the level of locomotor skills among grade one ballet dancers, students with co-curriculum and students without co-curriculum.
A total of 90 students of the boy and girl who are around Klang and Seremban area have participated in this study. Gross Motor Development Tests (TGMD-2) by Ulrich (2000) was conducted to determine the level of locomotor skills of level one primary school students.
Statistical analysis Kruskal – Wallis test was used to analyse the mean score between the group of level one primary school students.
The results showed a group of ballet dancers grade 1 had the highest mean (M=3.13, SD=1.008), compared with a group of students with co-curricular activities M=2.000, SD=0.000) and a group of students without co-curricular activities (M=2.000, SD=0.000). However, significance differences in the scores also showed significant differences among the three groups with the estimated value of significance is 0.000.
Findings and discussion:
Studies show locomotor skills development of primary school students are still not developing well according to their chronological age.