Summary: | Fruit industries require convenient peeling method, especially during puree processing to prevent deterioration of fruit quality and product loss. Therefore, manual, chemical (sodium hydroxide/NaOH) and enzymatic (Pectinex Ultra SP-L) peeling methods were compared to determine the peeling efficiencies of ‘Chok Anan’ mangoes. The effect of different peeling parameters (concentrations [chemical peeling: 1.6-7.3% of 0.4M-1.83M; enzymatic peeling: 0.005-0.095%], temperatures [chemical peeling: 80-95°C; enzymatic peeling: 25-40°C], and duration of soaking [chemical peeling: 5-10 min; enzymatic peeling: 30-120 min]) were evaluated for peeling yield, peeling time, absorption of chemical and enzyme solution, the penetration depth of NaOH and enzyme activities (reducing sugar analysis). The enzymatic peeling had significantly (p<0.05) reduced the time (4.46 min) of mango peeling compared to manual (5.30 min) and chemical (6.49 min) peeling which were time-consuming. The parameters involved resulted in no significant difference (p>0.05) in peeling yield (>86%), but there was significant (p<0.05) effect on absorption of both NaoH and pectinase solutions at 0.84g/100g (enzymatic) and 2.50g/100 g (chemical), 0.45 mm penetration depth of NaOH and significant decrease in enzyme activities from 20.04g/100 mL to 4.92g/100 mL using reducing sugar analysis. The optimal enzymatic peeling conditions (concentration: 0.009%, temperature: 25°C, duration of soaking: 120 min) had made it possible to recycle the pectinase solution twice thus may be beneficial for the mango processing industry compared to chemical peeling.