Summary: | The increase in potato demand, a devaluation of Indonesian currency in
1997, and good quality of potatoes for curry created opportunities for
Indonesian potato farmers to export their product. However, the export
volume of fresh potatoes continues to decrease, while the import volume
of processed product increases. Due to lack of information on the desired
quality attributed by the consumer, the farmers are unable to meet
consumer demand. Therefore, the aim of the study is to understand
information-seeking behaviour among potato farmers.
The study used a survey design and structured questionnaire as a means
to gather data. A total of 301 respondents were selected using stratified
random sampling from 1120 members of farmers' groups in central potato
production of Pangalengan, West Java, Indonesia. Data were analysed
using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 11.5).
Statistical analysis used in the study was descriptive statistics and
Spearman rank correlation.
The results revealed that market information was the type of information
that the respondents needed most, followed by that on input, technologies,
loans, climate, and regulations related to potato farming system.
Therefore, they sought the market information more frequently than the
input, technology, loan, climate, and regulation information.
The findings showed that to acquire information, the respondents used
interpersonal sources more frequently than electronic and print media.
They perceived that interpersonal sources of information are more credible
than print and electronic media. Meanwhile, the respondents made
contacts with family, friends, and neighbours more frequently than
progressive farmers, input traders, middle traders, extension agents,
personnel of FSFISSF, agricultural researchers, and staff of village
cooperative (KUD). To obtain information from the sources, the
respondents used the monitoring strategy more frequently than the inquiry
strategy. Conversely, they engaged most in the inquiry strategy when
acquiring information from extension agents; progressive farmers;
agricultural researchers; input traders; and family, friends, and neighbours.