Summary: | This study investigated the relationship between reading and writing in
terms of the performance, perception and strategy use of university ESL
students. The subjects of the study were students of English language
from the Faculty of Education at Sudan University of Science and
Technology. The subjects attempted two reading tests and two writing
tests to provide indicators of their performance that potentially reflected the
reading and writing connection. They also responded to a structured
questionnaire that investigated their perceptions about the connection
between what they read and what they wrote to shed light on their
affective responses towards the connection deemed important to foster
language growth.
From the subjects, 12 students were chosen based on the good
readerlwriter and poor readerlwriter criterion and were asked to recall in
writing two reading texts. They were also interviewed to investigate ESL
learner strategy use in making this connection.
The findings of the study showed that there was a relatively high degree of
correlation between the students' reading and writing performance (r=O
.741; p = .000). The findings also showed that the relationship between
reading performance and writing performance differed according to the
learners' levels of language proficiency which supports the bidirectional
On the whole, the participants also showed positive attitudes towards
integrating reading and writing skills. In response to the questionnaire, the
students reported making connection between what they read and what
they wrote by making notes/summary of what they had read, developing
topics of their reading into paragraphs and using the main ideas of their
reading texts to help them in their writing activities. However, the findings
also showed that the culture of 'always-practising' good strategies appears
to be underdeveloped among Sudanese tertiary students. Therefore, it is
argued that further effort is needed on the part of instruction to help
students improve the use of good reading and writing strategies.
The analysis of the recall protocols also revealed that good writers recall
better compared to good readers. Therefore, good writers are better
readers in terms of recall compared to good readers. Accordingly, it is
argued on the basis of the recall efforts that a good writer is more likely a
better reader compared to a good reader being a better writer which
further supports the results of the reading and writing performance tests as
well as the analysis of the students' responses to the questionnaire.
Furthermore, the students' interviews showed that all the interviewees
practised some common strategies when reading and writing. Goodlpoor
readers and goodlpoor writers prepared themselves for reading by
checking the title and pictures first. However, good readers, poor readers
and poor writers seemed to have similar plans for reading, whereas good
writers had a clearer plan to approach reading (skimming for main ideas,
scanning for details or reading the introduction first, among possible often
strategies). There were however also no clear techniques used by the
interviewees to generate ideas for their writing.
The research shows a close connection between the constructs of reading
and writing. It supports the contention that writing is generally the better
indicator of reading ability. The findings point to work that can be done to
nurture greater success in reading and writing abilities and to exploit the
connections for the benefits of ESL language students.