Resumo: | Every organisation realizes that its organisational knowledge which resides in
individual brain or stored in organisational processes, products, facilities,
systems and documentation is quickly becoming a sustainable competitive
advantage. This growing attention has lead to the idea that these resources
must be protected, cultivated and shared among its members. As
organisation's knowledge is built upon these human resources, and effective
way of managing these resources is a challenge. The challenges poses
problems such as when knowledge can be lost when people leave the
organisation, problem in difficulties to manage tacit knowledge and also in
managing the competencies, expertise and capabilities of the organisation.
The research has explored and proposed a framework to achieve its
objectives, in capturing, and structuring knowledge in acquiring
competitiveness edge in an organisation. KEPSNet (Knowledge Extract,Profiling, and Sharing Network), has approached the problems in managing
knowledge and competencies based on three key elements of peopleprocess-
product, conceptual theory and by prescribing a knowledge model
of five layers: knowledge object, agents, knowledge functionalities,
knowledge services and knowledge application. KEPSNet provided a
practical application of knowledge capture and reuses of relevant know-how,
experiences, best practices from a group project implementation. KEPSNet
implementation as a Portal provided functionalities, for group project to
capture and retain their knowledge in group repository with the use of
concept maps, thus providing facilities for retrieving and sharing knowledge,
structured and retained in the group knowledge repository. Two software
agents introduced in KEPSNet implementation: the Profile Agent and
Knowledge Agent has shown that it has adopted an autonomous way of
managing knowledge, maintaining competency profile to reflect the level of
knowledge of the expertise and to support knowledge sharing during group
project implementation. KEPSNet Portal and agents were developed on
Domino Lotus Notes, while Cmap Tool was used as the knowledge modeling
tool for knowledge capture in this research