Summary: | Productivity growth has always been an important aspect of Malaysia's
economic policy. This is evident in every stage of Malaysia's economic
development plans. Sustainable economic growth need to continuously focus
on improvements in productivity. Productivity-driven growth has gained
momentum in many countries since the 1970's. The Seventh Malaysia Plan
(1 995-2000), had placed the importance of productivity with a shift in policy,
where productivity-driven strategy was the primary synergy to growth in the
future. The productivity-driven strategy is further emphasised in the Eighth
Malaysia Plan (2001-2005) and in the Third Outline Perspective Plan (OPP3)
(2001-2010). As a result, Malaysia was able to recover from the financial crisis
faced in 1997 and experience sustainable economic growth. In view of
Malaysia's current full employment situation, total investment is expected to
decline. Malaysia's future growth henceforth will depend more on productivitydriven
growth strategies.
Enhancing productivity growth is essential to achieve high economic growth
substantial improvement in income distribution, relative price stability and
poverty eradication. Due to limited resources and capacity in capital
accumulation accompanied by stiff competition in attracting foreign
investments, it has become more pertinent to move the economic
development strategy from input-driven to productivity-driven growth by
enhancing the contribution of Total Factor Productivity (TFP).
As Malaysia moves forward to achieve her goals as set in Vision 2020, she is
expected increasing her bottlenecks and limitations especially in terms of skill
and organisational/technological capabilities. Shortage of labour will also
increase the cost of production which would lead to the erosion of
competitiveness. Furthermore, she will increase competitiveness due to
globalisation and liberalisation. Nonetheless, that there has been relatively low
TFP growth both in the manufacturing sector as well as the economy as a
The main objective of this dissertation is to demonstrate the usefulness of
recent developments in stochastic frontier analyses in measuring the TFP,
efficiency and technological progress in Malaysian manufacturing industries
(1985-2001), and the specific objectives are: (i) To provide alternative
estimations of technical and cost/allocative efficiency, technological progress
and TFP of Malaysian manufacturing sector by using four alternative
approaches: Production Function (Cobb Douglas Production Frontier (CDP),
Translog Production Frontier (TP)) and Dual Cost Function (Cobb Douglas
Cost Frontier (CDC) and Translog Cost Frontier (TC)); (ii) To review and
identify the underlying impact, assumptions, approach, nature and
applications of the above models for Malaysia; (iii) To review the results of
alternative estimates of efficiency, technological progress and TFP; (iv) To
discuss the relationships between technological progress, efficiency and TFP
in Malaysian manufacturing industries; (v) To utilise the results of the models
in planning for higher TFP growth; and (vi) To provide some policy
According to economists, there are three sources contributing to economic
growth of a nation: inflation rate, employment growth and productivity growth.
In exploring the later, this study uses 4 alternative models, and the selected
final model is the translog cost frontier model. This provides estimations of
technical and cost 1 allocative efficiency, technological progress and TFP of
twenty selected Malaysian manufacturing sub-sectors using stochastic frontier
panel data of time-variant. This study has been able to provide a detailed
trend analysis of TFP growth, technological progress, allocativelcost efficiency
and the effects of scale economies at 3 and 5-digits sub-sector level of the
Malaysian manufacturing sector. The importance of measuring the two
components of TFP growth i.e., technicallcost efficiency change and
technological progress is that they may provide insights into the causes of low
productivity. In this study, the methodologies of stochastic frontier production
and cost are employed using microlfirm level data. Microlfirm level data have
the advantage of overcoming some of the measurement problems and
aggregation bias associated with aggregated industry data. Furthermore, the
stochastic frontier production and cost methods will enable us to separate the
contributions of technological progress and changes in technicallcost
efficiency to TFP growth. The latter can also provide important policy
guidelines on the possible factors underlying the productivity issue.
This study has provided TFP growth estimates which show considerable
effects by changes in technicallallocative efficiency technological progress
and scale of components. The overall manufacturing sector for the period
1986-2001 registers TFP growth of 0.69%. The sub-sectors which register
high TFP growth are textiles, wood products, other chemicals products, nonferrous
metal, electrical machinery, beverages and other manufacturing. Subsectors
with low TFP growth are machinery except electrical, rubber products,
transport equipment and fabricated metal. The allocativelcost efficiency is the
main contributor to TFP growth as compared to technological progress. The
overall manufacturing sector for the period 1985-2001 registers an efficiency
contribution of 66.0%, scale components 33.0% and technological progress
1 .O% to the TFP. These determinants will give a positive significant effect on
productivity growth.