Summary: | The presence of endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) in treated wastewater lately, is
alarming. Chlorophenols, an endocrine disruptor chemical compound is hardly
eliminated in water using conventional treatment. In this study, contaminated water
containing 2-Chlorophenol was treated using the Advanced Oxidation Processes
(AOPs) reactor (anolyte solution/ozone/UV) and anolyte solution alone. Various
conditions such as initial pH values, ozone dosages, reaction time and initial 2-
Chlorophenol concentrations were tested to achieve the optimum degradation of 2-
Chlorophenol. Possible intermediates and by-products in each treatment effluents were
investigated. Results showed that almost 90% of 2-Chlorophenol (5mgIL) degraded in
water with initial alkaline pH values (11-12) using AOPs reactor (anolyte solution
(O.4L)/Ozone 50% (0.5 1 mg/L)/UV). Complete (1 00%) degradation of 2-Chlorophenol in \i.ater was achieved when initial concentration of 2-Chlorophenol was 0.04 mg/L in
neutral pH condition. On the other hand, at least 70% of the ZChlorophenol degraded
when treated with anolyte solution in all initial pH values and initial 2-Chlorophenol
concentrations. Complete (100%) degradation of 2-Chlorophenol occurred when the
initial concentration of 2-Chlorophenol was 1.0 mg/L in original pH condition. All
effluent samples had acidic pH value except those 2-Chlorophenol solutions with initial
alkaline pH values. Comparison between two treatments showed that anolyte solution
was more effective to degrade 2-Chlorophenol than AOPs reactor at original and neutral
pH conditions. The degradation of 2-Chlorophenol compounds in water was achieved
up to 100% using anolyte solution compared to the AOPs reactor at higher 2-
Chlorophenol concentration in most cases. The 2-Chlorophenol degraded intermediates
and by-products using AOPs reactor and anolyte solution were mainly alkenes, alkanes,
carboxylic acid, ketones and ether functional group compounds.