Summary: | This study examines the effects of logging operations on sediment and solute yields
in four steep catchments referred to as the Sungai Weng Experimental Watersheds
located in Ulu Muda Forest Reserves Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia. Watershed 1
(W 1) is a control catchment where logging was not allowed throughout the period of
study. Watershed 2 (W2) was logged based on stringent guidelines as recommended
by the Forestry Department hitherto referred to as reduced impact logging (RIL).
Watershed 3 (W3) was logged based on conventional logging (CL) practices.
Watershed 5 (W5) is a bigger watershed, where the experimental basins are nested
within and selected to examine the downstream and cumulative effects of logging
operations including in those areas worked previously.
The general aim of this study was to compare the relative impacts of CL and RIL on
sediment output. In this study, the extent of sediment source areas in W2 and W3 in
the form of roads, skid trails and log landings and their implication on sediment
output was also examined. In W2, the logging roads density was 30 mlha, while the
density of skid trail was 68 mlha and the exposed area was 43 ha, about 5% of total
watershed area. In W3, the logging road density was 47 rnlha and the density of skid
trail was 10lmha; exposed area was 59 ha, about 9% of watershed area.
The most reliable and suitable method was chosen to determine the sediment yield
of the four catchments was estimated using data assembled for the rising and falling
discharge stages. In W 1, suspended sediment concentrations are high during storms
even though under natural forests. The peak concentrations sampled were between
1,278 to 1,896 mgll from 1997 to 2002 respectively. The annual sediment yields
were 160, 199, 148, 97, 79, and 80 t/km2/yr generated fiom 1997 to 2002
During logging operations, in W2, the annual sediment yields significantly increased
from 176 to 1,15 1 t/km21yr in year 2000 and 2002 respectively. In W3, the sediment
yields increased dramatically to 2,133; 5,386; 4,501 t/km2/yr over the period of 1998
to 2000 respectively. After logging ceased, sediment yield decreased to 869 and 684
t/km2/yr from 2001 and 2002 respectively. Sediment yield in W5 was much less
even though, the sediment yields fiom the experimental watersheds W3, in particular
was high. Depositions of sediment along the stream channel leading to the gauging
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site of W5 and dilution from upstream channels were the main reason for the lower
yield. Therefore, in W5 the sediment yield was contributing 143, 284, 829,458, 178,
and 163 tlkm2/yr, in over the six-year period from 1997 to 2002 respectively.
Stream water quality was measured in each study watershed and the results revealed
that solute loads were much lower than sediment loads. In W1, the annual solute
yields were 12.5, 13.5, 20.1, 14.8, 13.7, and 13.8 tlkm2/yr generated from 1997 to
2002 respectively. During logging operations, in W2, solute yields were 20.3, 13.4,
11.3 t h 2 / y r , for the year 2000, 2001 and 2002, respectively. In W3, solute out put
was 30.8, 27.0 and 20.0 t/lun21yr. However, the annual sediment yields appeared to
have declined to 18.0 and 14.2 tkm2/yr, in the following two years 2001 and 2002,
respectively. In W5, solute out put was contributing 17.5, 16.8, 27.0, 25.4, 23.1 and
17.3 tlkm2/yr, in over the six-year period from 1997 to 2002.
The results of the study suggest that with proper control measures, the effects of
logging on sediment loads in particular, can be substantially reduced. The increase
of sediment yield in W2 to l,l5 1 t/km21yr in 2002 with 80% the study watershed
was logged suggests that RIL exerted significant influence on sediment output. With
respect to pre-logging or control conditions, the analyses suggest that conventional
logging can results in over 40 times the sediment yield during the logging
operations. The positive effects of RIL can be achieved through carehl planning,
scheduling and control of logging operations.