Summary: | There are many slaughter methods prevalent throughout the world are administered either by religions or cultures. This paper reviews the relevant aspects of ritual and traditional slaughter methods in different countries around the world. Ritualistic or religious slaughter often requires the animal to be in a state of consciousness at the time it is bled. According to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) halal slaughtering process of an animal involves restraining, stunning (if used) and severing of trachea, esophagus and both the carotid arteries and jugular veins. In Shariah law, slaughtering is not a normal matter in which humans act independently as they wish,but it is rather a matter of worship which Muslims must adhere by in its provisions. It is important for scientists to understand that the main reason for the observance of the Islamic faith is to follow the Divine Orders. “Kosher” is the term applied to the procedures and techniques of slaughter as well as the products derived therefrom under the Jewish faith, if done according to the laws of the religion. In the Hebrew language, Kosher means fit to be used as food. The regulations governing Kosher slaughter are derived from Hebrew traditions. Under these the animals are to be fully conscious, killed and blend thoroughly by one clean stroke of the knife. Sikh Slaughter (Jhakta) process is practised mainly under Sikhism, a religious faith which is an offshoot of Hinduism centred in the Punjab, India. The method is limited only to sheep and goats (Cattle are regarded as sacred by Sikhs and Hindus and are therefore not eaten). In the process, the head of the animal is tied to a pole, the hind legs are stretched out and tied by hand to another pole on the opposite side. The head is chopped off with a single stroke of a heavy sharp blade. After this, the animal body is dressed for use. Slaughter process practicing in USA, Europe and China is that the stunned animals must be hanging by shackling below the hock of one hind leg and hoisting the animal (head down) before bleeding. The actual bleeding operation is made by sticking or inserting the sticking knife through the neck behind the jaw bone and below the first neck bone to let out blood. The noticeable feature of African traditional slaughter is that the sheep or goat is first securely held on its back on the ground by two or three men while the mouth is grabbed tight and drawn backwards to stretch the neck. The slaughterer then cuts the throat with a series of strokes half-way deep into the neck. Blood is allowed to drain off until the animal (still tightly held) is motionless or dies. Ritualistic slaughter procedure cannot change but may be modified, yet the other procedures mostly which is practiced in the developed countries can changed.