Summary: | Entrepreneur venture performance is a determining factor for continuous survival of
businesses. Poor venture performance in Nigerian, building material retail trade has
dwindled building material retailers businesses. An entrepreneurial opportunity has been a
contentious phenomenon in the field of entrepreneurial study. Some scholars argued that
opportunity is ‗objective‘ recognition process. While others believed is ‗subjective‘ creation
process. Studies of opportunity as a recognition process is matured and have valid measures.
On the other hand studies of opportunity as a creation process is in the nascent stage, with no
valid measure. Some scholars argued that entrepreneurial process of causation is consistent
with opportunity recognition and while others believed that entrepreneurial process of
effectuation is consistent with opportunity creation. There are others who argued that the
two processes can coexist in a single opportunity. Lack of consensus on the nature of
entrepreneurial opportunity made research on entrepreneurial opportunity to lack the
cumulative characteristics required. Existing studies of opportunity creation are qualitative
studies that do not make it possible to draw generalization and test relationship among other
variables. Most of what we know about entrepreneurship are from studies conducted by
developed countries, and who considered large organizations that employ graduates of
business schools, other small businesses that do not employ these graduates, and whose
shares are not with the stock exchange market are not studied as much.
The aim of this study is to achieve the following research objectives. 1. To develop and
operationalise the ‗Entrepreneurial Opportunity Creation‘ construct. 2. To examine the
influence of entrepreneurial Demographic Factors, Personality Traits, and management
Skills on entrepreneurial processes of Causation and Effectuation in BMIT. 3. To examine
empirically if Opportunity Recognition and Opportunity Creation are influenced by the
entrepreneurial Causation and Effectuation process in the building material industry trade. 4.
To identify the relationship between Opportunity Recognition and Opportunity Creation on
Venture Performance in BMIT.
A survey method is employed to collect data from retailers in Building Material Industry
Trade in Nigeria. 360 usable responses were received and analysed using appropriate
statistical procedures. The research model was tested using partial least square (PLS)
technique. Smart PLS 2.0 was used to validate the research model and test the research
hypotheses. This study eclectically combined antecedents of the entrepreneur in the form of:
Demography, Education, Personality Traits and Management skills as predictors of
causation and effectuation, and further test their effects on opportunity recognition and
creation. The effects of opportunity recognition and opportunity creation are tested on
venture performance.
Previous studies of entrepreneurial opportunity creation are qualitative in nature. The
findings of this study indicate that Personality Traits and Management Skills significantly
influence entrepreneurial process of Causation and Effectuation. It is also found that
Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial Special Education significantly influence
Causation process. Also, Opportunity Creation is influenced by Effectuation Process. The
analysis shows that Opportunity Recognition is influenced by Causation and Effectuation
Process and there is a direct influence by both Opportunity Recognition and Opportunity
Creation on Venture Performance. These findings support the argument that both approaches
to the study of opportunity can be integrated into one framework. On the other hand Age has
no influence on Entrepreneurial Process of Causation and Effectuation. Entrepreneurial
Education and Entrepreneurial Special education have no influence on Effectuation Process.
We show that Entrepreneurial Opportunity Creation may be a second order reflective
construct, as opposed to a formative construct, with three associated sub-dimensions (Action
and Reaction, individual differences, and socially created). Finally, broader implications of
the study and suggestions for future studies are discussed.