Summary: | The hotel sector has been said to offer large career opportunities and advancement for
both men and women, having chains of departments and sections which employees
can advance in their career. However, these career advancement opportunities in the
hotel sector are very limited when it comes to women due to the preconceived
assumption that women are less managerial oriented than men. The main purpose of
this study is to examine factors influencing career development of women in the hotel
sector in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State in Nigeria. This study
examined the impact of six measures of micro and macro factor based on
organizational culture, family factor, individual factor, socio-cultural factor, economic
factor and technological change.
A quantitative method was used in this study. The study sampled 460 women in 18
selected hotels in three major cities in Etsako West Local Government Area. Data
were collected using survey questionnaire through convenient sampling technique and
a self-administered questionnaire that was distributed to the respondents. Pearson
Correlation analysis was applied to analyze the relationship between the dimensions
of micro and factors and career development for women. The results on correlation
have shown that all the dimensions of micro and macro factors have a positive and
significant relationship with the career development of women in the hotel sector in
Etsako West Local Government Area. The study also conducted a multiple regression
analysis to analyze the dimensions of micro and macro factor that mostly predicts
career development. The findings suggested that the six dimensions of micro and
macro factor contribute positively and significant to the variation in the career
development of women.
In summary, the findings indicate that achieving career success in hotel sector among
women need an innovative technological awareness program especially with those
who have an interest in reaching the managerial level in the sector. This can be done
by organizing on the job training capable of enhancing the technological competence
of women staff. Likewise, it is suggested that the organizational culture should offer a supportive organization environment for career development and give equal
opportunity between male and female as it is acknowledged that higher positions give
access to better salaries.
In conclusion, this study is significant to the hospitality industry management, the
government, and human resources recruitment practitioners. The findings of this study
should be able to educate policy makers in Nigerian hotel sector on how to improve
and sustain women career development as well as assists the government to plan and
formulate feasible and viable policies towards ensuring that a hotel operator in Nigeria
maintains gender equality in their respective sector. It is also recommended that
managers of hotel sector promote gender friendly organizational policies that could
encourage professionalism and merit rather than discrimination that will encourage
the career path of women.