Summary: | Exposure to UV radiation has induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) which
enhanced the photo-induced aging of the skin characterized by wrinkles
appearance. The antioxidant is one of the effective approaches to avoid from
photo-induced aging problem. Dendrobium sabin flower was investigated for its
antioxidant and anti-aging properties. The oven-dried Dendrobium sabin flower
was extracted using 100% methanol (w/v), 100% ethanol (w/v) and 100%
water (w/v). The 100% methanolic crude extract showed the highest total
phenolic content (40.33 ± mg GAE/g extract) and the best antioxidant
properties as showed by DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays. A correlation
relationship between antioxidant activity and total phenolic content showed
that phenolic compounds were the dominant antioxidant components in this
flower extract. The microbial fermentation on Dendrobium sabin flower showed
a potential in increasing the phenolic content and DPPH-scavenging activi ty.
The TPC of final fermented medium showed the 18% increment while the
DPPH of fermented medium increased significantly to approximately 80% a t
the end of the fermentation. The treatment on brine shrimp and human dermal
fibroblast primary cell using 100% methanolic crude extract demonstrated
insignificant toxicity level. Topical application of 50 mg/ml of 100% methanolic
crude extract showed improvement in epidermis and dermis thickness, which
was comparable to the positive control treatment effect. The potential of the
antioxidant and anti-aging properties found in Dendrobium sabin flower would
help in treating undesirable photo-induced aging problems.