Summary: | Species delineation using integrative taxonomy has become popular since
about a decade ago. Integrative taxonomy entails the use of multiple tools
including DNA barcoding and morphological examination of specimens.
Integrative taxonomy has reduced major problems in taxonomy such as
the presence of cryptic species and the overabundance of synonymous
names. In this study, the application of integrative taxonomy in Malaysian
firefly taxonomy was presented. To do so, the diversity of fireflies in
mangrove estuaries was explored by combining data of geographic
distribution, morphology, DNA sequencing and phylogeny of fireflies. The
geographic location was restricted to 11 mangrove sites in Malaysia, from
which 756 specimens were studied. Morphological data was found to be
compatible with molecular data and all species were monophyletic, i.e.
both indicated 12 species including non-bent-winged firefly species.
However, inclusion of females and larvae in DNA barcoding analysis
increased the species count to 14 species. Using combined molecular
datasets of three genes (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase
I (COI), mtDNA fragment containing the 3’ end of COI gene, the adjacent
complete of tRNAleu gene and the 5’ end of the COII gene (COI-COII)
and nuclear protein coding gene CAD)), the Bayesian analysis revealed
that Pteroptyx was a monophyletic clade but it was clustered into two
groups: A. (Pteroptyx asymmetria + P. tener + P. bearni); B (Pteroptyx
gelasina, Pteroptyx malaccae and Pteroptyx valida). The intraspecific
variations in two bent-winged firefly species, Pteroptyx bearni Olivier and
Pteroptyx tener Olivier arising from geographical isolation were confirmed.
The analysis also supported the position of P. gelasina in the same clade
with P. malaccae but with strong posterior probability to be distinguished
as a distinct species. Consequently, a list of species and DNA barcode reference library of Malaysian fireflies were created for the first time. This
study therefore supports the perspective that integrative taxonomy will
speed up species discovery while maintaining species inventories. The
application of such information for firefly and mangrove conservation is
highly recommended.