Summary: | In agriculture, moisture content (MC) is among the important factors that are closely
correlated to the properties of agriculture products. There is a diverse range of
techniques such as Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, magnetic resonance, X-ray and
computed tomography that have been used for the quality assessment in agriculture
products. However, the microwave aquametry technique which applies MC
measurement and correlates it to the quality of the agriculture products, has been
widely used due to the fast, precise, cost and energy saving as well as compliance
with safety regulations. Several sensors such as, microstrip and coplanar which are
based on the attenuation measurement, have been suggested previously for the MC
determination but these techniques required laborious preparation. The Keysight
OEC probe has been used to determine the permittivity of agriculture products,
however, it requires a network analyzer which is bulky and expensive. As a solution
to this limitation, the low cost microcontroller-based microwave instrumentation
system for determination of MC percentage in oil palm fruits and gingers is
developed in order to determine the quality of samples by relying on MC
measurement. This thesis describes in detail the development of a microcontrollerbased
microwave instrumentation system for the determination of MC percentage in
oil palm fruits and ginger to determine the quality of samples by relying on MC
measurement. This instrumentation system or also known as reflectometer operates
at 2GHz includes a stripline directional coupler, two diode detectors, a PIC
microcontroller, liquid crystal display (LCD), and sensors such as open ended
coaxial-stub contact panel and monopole sensors. The stripline directional coupler’s
design, analysis and also performance testing are accomplished by using Microwave
Office Software. The Flow Code version 5.5 was used to program the PIC16F690
microcontroller for data acquisition as well as to calculate the MC based on
measured reflected voltage, processing and LCD display. The permittivity
measurement is carried by using the Keysight 85070B dielectric probe kit that utilize
with the computer controlled HP 8720B vector network analyzer software. The
COMSOL Multiphysics® software is used to visualization of the electric field distribution of both the open ended coaxial-stub contact panel and monopole sensors
based on the permittivity value measured. The calibration equations relating the
measured reflected voltage by using the reflectometer to the actual MC, and
permittivity (dielectric constant (ԑ′) and loss factor (ԑ")) has been established. The
predicted percentage of MC in samples is calculated based on the measured reflected
voltages can by interchanging the y and x axes. On the other hand, for the predicted
permittivity measurement, the calibration equation between the reflected voltage and
MC is substituted into the relationship between permittivity and MC. The accuracies
of the calibration equations were determined by comparing the predicted MC with
the actual MC using microwave oven drying method on another batch of the samples
while for the permittivity measurement, the accuracy is determined by comparing the
predicted and actual permittivity values that obtained from the another batch of
permittivity measurement by using Keysight OEC probe. All of the calibration
equations shows a good agreement for input reflected voltage which utilizing the
reflected voltage values to determine the MC, ԑ′ and ԑ" by utilizing the mean relative
error formula. For oil palm fruits, the accuracies for MC, ԑ′ and ԑ" were within
3.8%, 4.1%, and 4.5%, respectively. While for ginger, the accuracies for MC, ԑ′ and
ԑ" were within 2.9%, 2.7%, and 3.6%, respectively.