Summary: | Cholera, a major public health problem in many developing countries in which
Nigeria is not an exception. The control of deadly outbreaks remains a challenge.
The main goal of this thesis is to develop and analyze a mathematical model for
the control of cholera in Nigeria with vital dynamics, water hygiene, environmental
sanitation and treatment as control strategies in curtailing the disease.
The effective basic reproduction number RC that is used to control the trans-
mission of the disease is obtained. The equilibrium points of the cholera model are
determined. The disease-free equilibrium point is locally and globally asymptot-
ically stable when the effective reproduction number, RC ≤1 where the disease
always dies out. The endemic equilibrium exist for RC > 1.
Bifurcation analysis for endemic equilibrium is also carried out using center man-
ifold theory. Graphical representation of the evolution of the disease at various
settings is shown for different control strategies. The model studied shows that
with proper combination of control measures and rigorous effort cholera epidemic
could be eradicated from our society. Numerical simulation is carried out using
parameter values based on Nigeria demographic data to investigate the effect of
control strategies on infected population.
Simulation of the model is carried out in two categories where first we simulate the
model to know the effects of each parameter at low, moderate and high level on
the infected population and the results shows that treatment play a vital role in
controlling the cholera infection. While in second category, we simulate the model with no control, low without treatment and low universal, moderate without treat-
ment and moderate universal and lastly high without treatment and high universal.
Our results show that universal strategies is an effective method for controlling
cholera. In fact, model studied shows clearly that improvement in treatment, wa-
ter hygiene and the environmental sanitation offered to about fifty percent is all
that is required to eradicate the diseases.