Summary: | N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) is able to induce multiple tumours via different routes
of administration. The development of tumours is well associated with failure of
apoptosis process. In cancer studies, real time quantitative reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is widely used to measure changes of the
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) level of targeted genes. To date, there is no
comparative study of the carcinogenic effects of MNU between administration via oral
and intraperitoneal (IP) routes. Besides comparing the apoptotic genes normalization
using single and multiple housekeeping (HK) genes, changes of the expression of the
targeted apoptotic gene during the carcinogenesis in whole blood and spleen between
all groups and their correlation to the lesion scoring in the selected organs remained
undetermined. The main objective of this study was to compare the carcinogenic
effects of MNU post administration via oral and IP routes through blood profiles,
urinalysis, gross and histopathological examination. Comparison of apoptotic genes
normalization using single and multiple HK genes, the levels of Bcl-2 to Bax fold
expression ratios in whole blood and spleen and their correlations to the lymphoma
lesion scores served as the second, third and fourth objectives in this study. A total of
27 female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats was separated equally into three groups which
were control (group A), MNU-treated orally (group B) and MNU-treated
intraperitoneally (group C). Rats in MNU-treated groups received 60 mg/kg of body
weight MNU twice a week for two consecutive weeks which equal to a total dose of
240 mg/kg of body weight. Rats in control group received normal saline following the
same procedure. All rats were humanely sacrificed after 6 months of animal study. In
addition to IP route, oral administration of MNU successfully induced leukaemia in all
rats and emerged as a new promising route to induce this cancer. Administration of
MNU regardless of routes contributed to the elevation of Bcl-2 to Bax fold expression
ratios leading to overproduction of neoplastic cells observed in the blood smear with
a prominent occurrence of lymphocytosis in rats administering MNU intraperitoneally.
Introduction of MNU into the intraperitoneum cavity led to rapid absorption and higher
bioavailability of this carcinogen which in turn, significantly increased serum urea,
AST, LDH and reduced TP concentrations respectively. Regardless of administration
routes, significant reduction of creatinine clearance (CrCl) and elevation of urine
protein to creatinine (UPC) ratios post administration of MNU reflecting the renal
insufficiency of rats even though the renal lymphoma severity averagely mild. The incidences of splenomegaly with higher prevalence, hepatomegaly and stomach mass
were related to the enteral process conferred by oral route of administration.
Intraperitoneal route of MNU administration inferred as a reliable route to promote the
development of mammary gland tumours of multiple types as there was no incidence
of this type of tumour in rats administered the carcinogen orally. Administration of
MNU regardless of routes contributed to no significant differences in terms of the
incidence of splenomegaly, percentage of splenic lymphoma and lesion scores and
these findings were further confirmed by the real time qRT-PCR as a more sensitive
method showing nearly similar splenic fold expression ratios of Bcl-2 to Bax. Lungs
emerged as a non-haematopoietic target organ for leukaemia dissemination due to
increased weight of lungs, high incidence of pulmonary lymphoma and severity of
lymphoma lesion were insignificantly difference in rats administered MNU via both
routes. The leukaemia induced post administration of MNU regardless of routes played
a prominent role as a systemic disease as it was able to metastasise to all selected
organs with higher affinity to lungs and heart observed in rats having intraperitoneal
administration as compared to oral administration of the carcinogen. Administration
of MNU regardless of routes could impart nearly similar lymphoma lesion severity
reflected by lesion scores. The application of both glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and β-actin for normalisation purpose produced more
reliable and precise expression data as outlier or error associated with any individual
set of data was averaged out leading to reduced data dispersion. At the molecular level,
Bcl-2 to Bax fold expression ratios in whole blood and spleen post administration of
MNU regardless to routes were significantly increased at nearly similar expression
patterns promoting cell proliferation of neoplastic cells showed in the blood smears
and also massive proliferation of neoplastic cells in spleen. It was further inferred that
measuring Bcl-2 to Bax fold expression ratios in whole blood was suffice to detect the
presence and severity of lymphoma in the selected organs. Conclusively, the
application of real time qRT-PCR using Bcl-2 to Bax fold expression ratio in whole
blood as the panel to detect and decipher the severity of lymphoma lesion was reliable
and more accurate rather than the invasive method.