Crynodeb: | Free space optical (FSO) networks offer high speed and secure communication
system. To utilize the bandwidth of FSO networks efficiently, spectral amplitude
coding optical code division multiple access (SAC-OCDMA) is proposed as a
solution. The reason is that OCDMA in general and especially SAC have
robustness against atmospheric effects. So far, few investigations have been
done to evaluate the performance of the SAC-OCDMA in FSO. However, Most of
them used broadband sources as transmitter which is not suitable for outdoor FSO
networks due to their wide beam divergence (about 8 mrad) and low modulation
bandwidth (about 200 MHz). On the other hand, multi-wavelength laser source
are becoming more available with regards to cost and variety. The work in this
thesis focuses on design, development and enhancement of the SAC system in
FSO networks deploying multi-wavelength laser source. Three main contributions
are presented which have been proved mathematically and using simulation
software. The feasibility of the proposed system is also implemented using proofof-
concept hardware experiment.
As the first contribution, a mathematical model that represents the characteristics
of SAC system in FSO networks is designed and developed. In addition to the
impact of turbulence, influences of several system noises, such as, relative
intensity noise (RIN), optical beat interference (OBI), shot noise and thermal noise
have been studied. From the numerical results, it is found that the proposed
system could achieve up to 2.7 km of transmission distance with 10 users.
As the second contribution, the performance of the aforementioned system is
improved by proposing a new code namely double weight zero-cross correlation
(DW-ZCC). It is shown that in comparison with modified double weight (MDW) and
ZCC codes, DW-ZCC can improve the performance and transmission distance by
at least 350 m and 200 m respectively. As the third contribution, the study of the system is extended to quality of service
(QoS) area. For this purpose, based on the promising results of DW-ZCC in
theoretical analysis, a variable weight code is proposed namely multi-service ZCC
(MS-ZCC) which can provide service differentiation capability. Moreover, in
comparison with previous code namely variable weight ZCC, the results shows
that MS-ZCC can improve the system performance in term of number of users
with 10 and 22 users for weights W = 4 and W = 8 respectively.
For the next stage, the proposed system is implemented using Optisystem version
10 simulation software and hardware experimentation. Simulation results approve
the mathematical approach and it is shown that DW-ZCC provides better
performance compared to MDW and ZCC. In the experimental section, DW-ZCC
is compared with MDW in back-to-back setting with broadband source
deployment. With regards to required input power to attain threshold of 10-3 BER,
MDW needs -2dBm, while this value is -13 dBm for DW-ZCC which shows 11 dBm
improvement for DW-ZCC.