Summary: | Optical fiber sensor network has received an increasing attention in recent years. This
is due to the fact that it has proven to be a crucial platform for monitoring a wide range
of parameters in many fields. Optical fiber sensor network which consolidates optical
fiber sensors is still in infancy stage especially its applications for chemicals or gas
sensing. Some unique properties of optical signal such as immunity to the EMI,
resistance to the corrosive and flammable environments make optical fiber a
promising candidate for gas sensing applications. Important influence of the sensing
layer morphology towards gas sensing performance leads to the deployment of
nanomaterials. Nanomaterials based optical fiber sensors are expected to produce
highly sensitive optical gas sensors. The sensors can be integrated as a part of optical
fiber sensor network for remote and distributed real time in-situ gas monitoring
system. One of the efficient ways to manage the multiple sensing nodes in the optical
fiber sensor network is by deploying spectral amplitude coding based optical code
division multiple access (SAC-OCDMA). SAC-OCDMA is low cost technique and
has the ability to suppress the multiple access noise (MAI).
In this project, single mode fibers (SMF) were modified and coated with polyaniline
(PANI) nanofiber and PANI/graphite nanofiber (GNF) nanocomposite to produce
highly sensitive optical ammonia (NH3) sensors. GNF was reported to have a unique
structure where it has virtually open edges and large interlayer spacing, which also
believed to be useful for different applications such as supercapacitor and sensing
applications. These sensors were tested towards NH3 in the visible and C-band
wavelengths ranges which is not yet explored for optical NH3 sensing applications and
enables the integration of the sensors with the existing optical fiber communication
systems such as fiber to the home (FTTH). NH3 is selected for the project because it is highly dangerous gas and widely used for industrial applications. A novel modified
SMF that underwent both etching and tapering processes was developed to produce
fiber with rough surfaces and reduced cladding structures. Three NH3 etched-tapered
SMF sensors coated with PANI/GNF nanocomposite were multiplexed using SACOCDMA
technique to establish a star topology optical fiber sensor network.
The SAC-OCDMA technique deployed in the optical fiber sensor network for NH3
sensing is based on Khazani Syed (KS) code. KS code is preferred because it reduces
the number of FBG filter and thus, reduces the cost and complexity of the developed
At device level, the sensor performance was evaluated in terms of response and
recovery times, low limit of detection (LOD), sensitivity and repeatability. At the
optical fiber sensor network level, the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) was
investigated for the developed NH3 sensing network.
The proposed etched-tapered sensors coated with PANI nanofiber outweight the
performance of tapered SMF and etched SMF in terms of sensitivity and response
time. The SMF sensors coated with PANI/PGN nanocomposite exhibited superior
response as compared to the sensors coated with PANI thin films only towards NH3
in the visible and C-band wavelengths ranges. The response time and sensitivity of
SMF sensors coated with PANI/PGN nanocomposite towards NH3 was 58 s, 49 s, 300
and 306.8, respectively in the visible and C-band wavelengths ranges.
LOD was found to be approximately 0.04% (400 ppm) at room temperature. These
sensors were integrated with the developed optical fiber sensor network and
investigated for real time remote sensing with 3 km SMF link using erbium doped
fiber amplifier (EDFA). The measured OSNR for SAC-OCDMA based optical fiber
sensor network was 02.1 dB when sensors were implied in the network. For remote
monitoring with 3 km link only and including the EDFA with 20 dB gain, the OSNR
was 19.6 and 31.75 dB, respectively. The use of EDFA improved the OSNR
In summary, different modified SMF sensors coated with nanostructured thin films
were successfully developed and investigated towards NH3 gas. Strong optical sensing
performance showed by the novel fiber sensors indicate their potential to be
multiplexed in optical sensor networks for remote as well as distributed NH3 detection.