Summary: | Currently, there is a growing market for manufacturing customized, rapid
prototyping and low-cost sheet parts with small to medium batches
(particularly in transportation, artificial medical alternatives, and aerospace
industries). Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) was born as an advanced sheet
forming process to perfectly fit previous requirements. ISF is described to
have inherent flexibility, high formability, and low-cost and forming forces
compared to traditional sheet metal forming processes. Nevertheless,
increasing demands to utilize the lightweight materials in various
applications has placed this developed process in a critical challenge to deal
with low formability materials at room temperature. Among all heat-assisted
ISF processes, frictional stir-assisted Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF)
was presented in this study. Besides the mentioned advantages of ISF,
frictional stir-assisted SPIF displays superior benefits as it does not require an
external heating source and has a better final surface finish than the other
types. Accordingly, this technique was used to improve the formability of two
lightweight materials: aluminum alloy AA60601-T6 and metal matrix
composite AA6061/20%SiCp-T1 sheets. The study focuses on the
investigation of the process aspects, which include process formability
indicators, forming forces, and surface roughness. Tool rotation speed, feed
rate, step size, and tool diameter are proposed as process parameters to
evaluate their impact on the output responses. In this regard, Taguchi Design
of Experiment (DoE) technique and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were
employed to design the experimental work and statistically evaluate the impact of each parameter. For AA6061-T6 experiments, the rotation spindle
speed was the most dominant parameter that affects formability and forming
forces where the percentage contributions of this parameter are 90% and 73%,
respectively. On the other hand, the tool diameter has a significant impact on
the internal surface roughness with a percentage contribution of 93%. The
values of the determination coefficients R2 are 95, and 98% for the formability
and surface roughness, respectively. From the results comparison of the two
materials, maximum angles, maximum height, minimum forming force,
minimum surface roughness are 66.15ᵒand 48ᵒ; 27.46 mm and 11.55 mm; 2.4478
KN and 2.1273 KN; 0.3 μm and 1.741 μm, for AA606-T6 and
AA6061/20%SiCp-T1, respectively.