Summary: | Cyber Love Addiction (CLA) associated with online addiction through social
network sites is a cause of many problems both socially and individually. Today,
people prefer to communicate through social network sites rather than engaging in
actual conversations and face-to-face contacts with their family and friends.
According to previous studies, students who are addicted to social media face many
problems such as educational failure, poor academic achievement, unstable
marriage, familial dissatisfaction, and irregular relationships. Furthermore, many
types of cyber-crimes such as drug dealing, pornography, abusee and cheating in
both genders among students and the general public had been reported. Cyber love
addiction can be considered as an addiction to forming romantic relationships with
strangers via social networks. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of
gender as a moderator in the relationship between social capital, perceived economic
well-being, and loneliness with Cyber Love Addiction (CLA) among Malaysian
students by gender. The independent variables in this research include social capital,
the perceived economic well-being of the family and loneliness, whilst the
dependent variable is cyber love addiction with gender as the moderator. A sample
of 280 Malaysian students in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) were identified using
a multi-stage random sampling approach. Data was collected through a survey
technique. In this study, the levels of cyber love addiction, social capital, loneliness,
and perceived economic well-being of the family were measured by using a selfadministered
questionnaire. The data was analyzed using SPSS Ver 22 for
descriptive statistics whilst the research hypothesis was studied using statistical
methods such as Pearson’s correlation, independent sample t-test, Chi-square test,
and multiple linear regression (MLR). Moderating analysis was done using
PROCESS macro.The results of the descriptive analysis of demographic characteristics among the
respondents showed that the majority of the respondents were female (63.2%),
Muslim (71.8%) and single (91.4%). Considering the program, the results showed
that the majority of the students (89.6%) were pursuing bachelor degrees. The result
revealed that the overall CLA and four sub-components (tolerance, withdrawal,
conflict, and relationship experience) were significantly different between the two
genders where the male students had a higher mean score of CLA as compared to the
female students. Perceived economic well-being had a significant and negative effect
on the total CLA; social capital had a positive and significant effect on the total CLA
whilst the effect of loneliness was not statistically significant. Some of the
background variables such as “daily hours spent on Facebook”, “spend time alone on
Internet web surfing”, and “spend time alone on Internet chatting” were significantly
influenced on total CLA. The results of the moderating effect of gender indicated
that the relationship between PEW and social capital with CLA was significantly
moderated by gender while the relationship between loneliness with CLA was not
significantly moderated by gender. As a conclusion, CLA may be understood as a
behavioral addiction which may be affected by many factors such as social and
psychological issues. The implication of this study may be used by policy and
decision makers which could be of help for them on related issues for future
programs. In summary, implications of the theory, Gender and Development, may be
beneficiary to Malaysian academics and contribute towards policy making.