Resumo: | This study explores a body of work under the concepts of ethics and Islamic spirituality
that associate with Malaysian Umrah service quality. Due to the rising unethicality
cases within this service, it is crucial to propose a solution and deepen the
comprehension towards ethicality supported by Islamic spirituality concept. The
literature appears to be broadly divided into ethics and Islamic spirituality concept from
the service industry. These concepts were connected and several values are derived
from them. Subsequently, the values are being utilized through several organizational
tools (example, code of conduct) and they further associate with three theories
including deontology, virtue ethics, and spiritual leadership theory.
Furthermore, a framework called Value Management System (VMS) was introduced as
a solution to improve Malaysian Umrah service quality. The framework contains
values from ethics and Islamic spirituality concepts, selected theories, and
organizational tools. Moreover, this study takes the form of qualitative case study
through in-depth interviews among Malaysian Umrah organizations and their
customers. The research framework presented in this study function as a guideline to
evaluate its findings.
Moreover, through five research questions and framework in this study, its findings
were revealed in three areas, identified as basic values (BV), VMS model and service
quality feedbacks. BV is the combination of ethical and Islamic spirituality values with
values’ from findings in this study. The researcher concluded there are 7 overlap BV
listed as 1) justice/fair; 2) hard work; 3) honesty; 4) loyalty; 5) respect; 6) responsible
and 7) sincerity. These values were included in the first step of the VMS model along
with other elements such as vision and mission statements. Subsequently, the researcher managed to discover other VMS’ elements in its second and third step.
These elements are a code of conduct, whistleblowing, training, and corporate
disclosure policy; compliance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics audit
program. Eventually, the existences of these VMS’ elements were giving a positive
influence towards Malaysian Umrah customers’ feedbacks and service quality, with 50
positive responses compared to 14 on the negative side.
The results suggest that consideration must be made with regards to the application of
VMS’ model by Malaysian travel agencies. Any BV need to be selected by these
organizations to be utilized into all of their organizational system suggested in the
VMS model. Furthermore, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC) may
take a significant role to monitor VMS’ application effectiveness among Malaysian
travel agencies through their business licensing and code of ethics and conduct
(COE&C) as a firm guideline for these agencies to follow. On the other hand, this
study proposes that future Malaysian Umrah customers should be more aware of the
legality of these agencies before purchasing any Umrah services. However, if these
customers get cheated or their promises were not fully fulfill by these agencies during
their Umrah journey, they should make a full complaint to MOTAC in order to claim
any loss incurred.