Summary: | Worldwide, the ageing population is one of the phenomena that cannot be
dismissed because of its great social, economic and cultural challenges to
individuals, families and societies. The physical and mental health of the
elderly should be society’s main concern. The World Health Organisation
(WHO) stated that 23% of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) are
associated with older people. One of the leading contributors to mental and
neurological disorders is dementia. The Alzheimer Disease Report stated that
the global costs of treating dementia increased from USD604 billion in 2010
to USD818 billion in 2015, which represents 1.09% of global GDP. These costs
are expected to reach USD1 trillion in 2018 and to double by 2030. Malaysia
is no exception to this trend and is also experiencing the same phenomenon
with the number of the elderly increasing and the prevalence of dementia is
expected to rise. The specific objectives of this study are first, to estimate the
direct and indirect costs incurred by the elderly with dementia both in the
community and institutional settings in Malaysia; and secondly, to examine
the economic burden of dementia both on individual and national income
bases. The third objective is to investigate the determinants of the total
healthcare costs for dementia patients. Using a multi-stage sampling design,
this study investigated 2274 elderly from four states in Malaysia which have
the highest number of adults aged 60 years and above, namely Johor (South
Region), Kelantan (East Region), Perak (North Region) and Selangor (Central
Region). The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score was used to
measure the cognitive capability among the elderly. Only the elderly with a
score of less than 19 marks were selected for further analysis. They were organised into three categories: mild dementia, moderate dementia or severe
dementia. The Cost of Illness (CoI) approach was used to analyse the direct
and indirect costs from the community setting. The step-down approach made
use of the Clinical Cost Modelling (CCM) Software version 3.0 to estimate the
provider costs from an institutional setting. The results revealed that the
prevalence of dementia is 17.8%. For each individual, the annual direct and
indirect costs are RM12,613, RM14,635 and RM18,730 for mild, moderate and
severe cases, respectively. The highest direct cost incurred by the demented
elderly as outpatients according to the referred disease is cancer and as
inpatients, it is vision problems. For the indirect costs, heart disease is the
highest contributor to the cost regardless of whether the demented elderly are
outpatients or inpatients. The highest direct cost and indirect cost according
to the facilities referred to is when the demented elderly used private medical
facilities as outpatients, and government facilities as inpatients respectively.
This study also estimates that the total economic burden of dementia was
around RM8 billion in 2014, and it represents 0.72% of the Malaysian GDP. In
terms of the economic burden to the elderly individually, the study indicates
that only 1.2% of the elderly with dementia bear the burden of huge
expenditure whereby their out-of-pocket health expenditure exceeded 10% of
the household income. Using a two-part model, it was found that household
income and education level influence the healthcare cost with a positive
relationship. However, age influences healthcare costs with a negative
relationship. The number of diseases, the frequency of healthcare visits and
admissions also affect healthcare cost. This shows that the demented elderly
spend more money on healthcare facilities not because they are old, but
because they are suffering from diseases. It is hoped that this study will rise
up the issues of dementia as a priority in public health and social care in
Malaysia. Appropriate actions to prevent dementia and other diseases are
needed to ensure good physical and mental health of the elderly population.
Financial assistance is essential to avoid the elderly from experiencing
catastrophic health expenditure. The main impact of this study is the hope
that the economic burden and the healthcare costs among the demented
elderly in Malaysia could be minimised. Subsequently, the national vision to
generate healthy, successful and productive ageing can be better achieved.