Summary: | Psychological well-being (PWB) of school students in Malaysia has scarcely been
discussed. Excellence in academic achievement is deemed more important compared
to their inner needs, which include their PWB. Engagement with nature, through
sensory exposure and a sense of connectedness to nature, has found to have a
positive effect on PWB. The purpose of this study is to explore the outcomes of
nature engagement on the PWB of school students, and the role of spirituality in
mediating these variables. A total of 293 Form Four school students in standard
secondary school in the Johor Bahru district. The 16-year-olds respondents involved
in the study comprised of 178 females, and 115 males. The descriptive and
inferential data was analysed by using SPSS 23.0. The respondents completed the
survey including 1) Nature Exposure Scale, 2) Connectedness to Nature Scale, 3)
Spiritual Values Scale, and 4) PWB Scale. For mediation test, data was analysed by
employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in AMOS version 23.0, and the
results show that nature exposure can only significantly predict PWB through the
mediation of spirituality. Whereas, connectedness to nature was found to have
significant direct and indirect influence on PWB (through the mediation of
spirituality). The model complies with the required model of fit standard (GFI= .903,
AGFI= .880, CFI= .947, IFI= .948, NFI= .858, TLI= .940, RMSEA= .041). This
study verified that to improve PWB among school students, exposing them to nature
without the existence of spirituality is not sufficient to affect PWB. Whereas having
a connectedness to nature can influence PWB with or without the presence of
spirituality. This study recommends the implementation of the outdoor classroom,
which involves teaching and learning in the setting of nature while inculcating
spirituality might help students to not only excel in academics but also improve their