Summary: | The convergence and variation of error of numerical methods depends on the
implementation of different types of basis and testing functions. This thesis describes
a comparative analysis of different basis and testing functions used in the MoM for
two dimensional dielectric objects. The basis and testing functions namely the
sinusoid/pulse (SP), sinusoid/sinusoid (SS), sinusoid/triangle (ST), triangle/pulse
(TP), triangle/sinusoid (TS) and triangle/triangle (TT) methods are considered in this
work. These basis and testing functions used in conjunction with MoM integral
equations which include the electric field integral equation (EFIE), magnetic field
integral equation (MFIE), Poggio-Muller-Chu-Harrington-Wu (PMCHW) integral
equation and the Muller integral equation. All the computations in this study are
carried out using MATLAB on dielectric objects using personal computer with 2GB
DDR3 RAM. The variation of mean relative error with samples per wavelength is
calculated for different dielectric objects with outer and inner radii of 0.0521 m and
0.0313 m respectively. Using Gauss quadrature technique, the SP and TP methods
give faster convergence than the SS, ST, TS and TT methods for a higher number of
integral equations at 915 MHz. When the EFIE and MFIE are used in both TE and
TM cases of the hollow dielectric cylinder with relative permittivity of 77.3-j37.2,
the SS,ST,TS and TT methods require at least 1.5 and 1.75 times the samples per
wavelength required by the SP and TP methods to achieve magnetic current error
less than 0.01 respectively. For the dielectric coated conducting cylinder with
relative permittivity of 33.2-j124.17, the SS, ST, TS and TT methods require 2 times
the samples per wavelength required by the SP and TP methods for the surface
magnetic current calculated using Gauss quadrature technique to be more accurate
than the staircase approximation technique. The difference in the convergence due to
different basis and testing function under the impedance boundary condition (IBC) is
not as significant as under the exact boundary condition (EBC) for the dielectric
coated impedance cylinder. The difference in the number of matrix elements
between the SS, ST and SP methods and also between the TS, TT and TP methods to
achieve magnetic current error less than 0.01 for the Muller integral equation is
higher than the EFIE and MFIE when the EBC is utilised. The SP and TP methods
provide faster convergence than the SS, ST, TS and TT methods with a higher difference in the number of matrix elements between the SS, ST and SP methods and
also between the TS, TT and TP methods to achieve an error less than 0.01 for the
high permittivity hollow dielectric cylinder with large size compared to the one with
small size.