Summary: | The number generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) is increasing year by year all around the world including Malaysia. For now, it still a big concern in Malaysia since we only dispose our MSW on landfills. Process Network Synthesis (PNS) is a tool to optimize technologies conversion of MSW. This study optimizes MSW conversion technologies using PNS tool which is Process Graph (P-Graph). Four highest composition (food waste, agriculture waste, paper and plastics) of MSW generated in Malaysia are optimized using P-graph. Two types of technologies conversion are considered which are biological conversion (Anaerobic Digestion) and thermal conversion (Pyrolysis and Incinerator). All these technologies conversion is compared with common method used; landfill. 100 feasible structure have been generated using P-graph. These optimization models allowed analysis of economic performance and environmental impact of MSW conversion technologies. Out of 100, 9 feasible structures have been analysed. Two feasible structures are selected based on maximum economic performance and minimum environmental impact.