Summary: | Successful extraction of high purity SiO2 (about 99%) from rice husk (waste) was
achieved in this work using the cold acid leaching method. Glass series [(TeO2)0.7
(B2O3)0.3]1-x (SiO2)x were fabricated using the rice husk silicate (RHS) by meltquenching
method. The aim was to extract a very high purity SiO2 from rice husk with
no heat used in leaching to fabricate a system of silicate borotellurite glass system
doped with erbium oxide and erbium oxide nanoparticles. The choice of rice husk as
silicate source was to add to the commercialization of the rice husk waste management
which stand at 30%. Also, to study the structural, elastic and optical properties of the
glass systems for Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) application. The use of rice
husk silicate in a borotellurite glass system was expected to improve the glass quality
in terms of both elastic and optical properties.
The samples were subjected to X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-Vis characterizations to study the structural nature and
optical behavior of the glass system. Density, molar volume and ultrasonic velocities
were measured to obtain the elastic constants for the various silicate proportions in the
glass using ultrasonic data obtained from non-destructive ultrasonic probing
technique. The glasses fabricated were found to be transparent at lower RHS
concentrations (0.0-0.2) the glasses became more darkened and opaque from 30% to
40% RHS concentrations. 20% RHS was found to be the best SiO2 composition in
terms of transparency, elastic and optical properties of the glasses for Er3+ ion doping.
Using the 0.2 molar fraction of RHS (SiO2), a glass system of erbium/erbium NPs
doped rice husk silicate borotellurite (Er/Er NPs-doped RHSBT) glass system was
fabricated using the chemical composition {[(TeO2)0.7 (B2O3)0.3]0.8 (SiO2)0.2}1-x (Er2O3)x with x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 mol was prepared using the meltquenching
The glasses were as well subjected to characterizations as XRD, FTIR, UV-Vis
spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy and non-destructive ultrasonic
probing to study the structural, elastic, optical and luminescence properties of the
glasses. Theoretical elastic models of Makishima and Mackenzie, Rocherulle, bond
compression and ring deformation models were used to study more on the elas tic
properties and compare with the experimental data. Density and molar volume
measurements were also carried out to further provide structural details while
transmission electron microscopy was carried out on the erbium nanoparticles doped
series to study the morphological features of the glasses.
In all the three samples, the XRD showed no sharp peak indicating a glassy nature.
The density and molar volume in the case of RHSBT glass system decreased with
increase in SiO2 concentration. The ultrasonic velocities, elastic moduli, optical band
gaps, Urbach energy, oxygen packing density (OPD), metallization criterion and
transmission coefficient increased with RHS concentration increased. The theoretical
elastic models confirmed the elastic moduli increase in the silicate borotellurite glass
system with increasing SiO2 content as shown in the experimental study. Only the
Makishima and Mackenzie model appeared to be good for the elastic properties of
both the erbium oxide doped and erbium oxide NPs doped glass systems.
Using McCumber theory analysis from the UV-Vis data, Absorption and Emission
cross-section data was obtained and used to calculate the simple fiber gain of each
sample in the two micro and nano erbium doped RHSBT glass systems. The gains
were higher in the case of micro erbium doped system than the nano erbium doped
system. With high refractive index of between 2.452 to 2.521 and wide effective band
with in the S and C bands of between 76 to 106 nm, the micro erbium doped RHSBT
glass system provides a good potential for application in the erbium doped fiber
amplifiers (EDFA).