Summary: | The CAN (controller area network) bus is introduced as a multi-master,
message broadcast system. The messages sent on the CAN are used to
communicate state information, referred as a signal between different ECUs,
which provides data consistency in every node of the system. OBD-II Dongles
that are based on request and response method is the wide-spread solution
for extracting sensor data from cars among researchers. Unfortunately, most
of the past researches do not consider resolution and quantity of their input
data extracted through OBD-II technology. The maximum feasible scan rate
is only 9 queries per second which provide 8 data points per second with using
ELM327 as well-known OBD-II dongle. This study aims to develop and design
a programmable, and latency-sensitive vehicle data acquisition system that
improves the modularity and flexibility to extract exact, trustworthy, and fresh
car sensor data with higher frequency rates. Most of OBD-II dongles are based
on very low capacity microcontroller hardware which cannot provide in-vehicle
data processing, rather they transfer data to an external processing
device. Furthermore, the researcher must break apart, thoroughly inspect, and
observe the internal network of the vehicle, which may cause severe damages
to the expensive ECUs of the vehicle due to intrinsic vulnerabilities of the CAN
bus during initial research.
Water coolant temperature, air temperature, and engine speed sensors signal
were simulated and generated by using an ATmega8A. Desired sensors data
were collected from various vehicles utilizing Raspberry Pi3 as computing and
processing unit with using OBD (request–response) and direct CAN method
at the same time. Two types of data were collected for this study. The first,
CAN bus frame data that illustrates data collected for each line of hex data sent from an ECU and the second type is the OBD data that represents some
limited data that is requested from ECU under standard condition.
On the implementation of the above methods, this dissertation explores the
differences between CAN and OBD data by integrating all these methods into
one disposable GUI. A comparison has been done between OBD and CAN
data to show how the number of data gathering measurement points of desired
sensors can be improved to 15 data points per second through applying the
proposed approach as compared to the standard OBD (request-response)
method. The results have shown by using direct CAN method 25 data points
per second for the essential sensors is achieved. The proposed system is
reconfigurable, human-readable and multi-task telematics device that can be
fitted into any vehicle with minimum effort and minimum time lag in the data
extraction process. The standard operational procedure experimental vehicle
network test bench is developed and can be used for future vehicle network
testing experiment.