Summary: | Biomethane is a valuable gaseous compound that is chemically similar with natural
gas. Thus, it can be used for the same application as in natural gas, for example;
electricity generation, water heating, space heating, cooking as well as fuel for
vehicles. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different concentration
of cow manure for biomethane production in batch fermentation. The sample used in
this study were a mixture of cow manure and food waste at different concentration
with adjusted initial pH 7. The sample consist of 10% cow manure, 20% cow
manure, 30% cow manure, 40% cow manure, 50% cow manure, 100% cow manure
and 100% food waste. All the samples were fermented in batch fermentation at
37oC for three weeks. The gas produced was collected and measured in daily basis.
The gas collected was analysed using gas chromatography to determine the
concentration of biomethane in the sample. From the result obtained, the
concentration of biomethane was observed to be highest (36.9%) at 100% cow
manure sample.