Summary: | The production and quality of milk can deteriorate by intramammary
infections resulting in milk compositions alteration. This study was done to
determine the changes in the milk composition parameters and to correlate the
relationship between somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk composition parameters of
dairy cows with and without IMI. A total of 20 dairy cows from Taman Pertanian
Universiti (TPU) and Ladang Angkat (Foster Farms) were included in this study. The
California Mastitis Test (CMT) was used to identify subclinical IMI in dairy cows
(n=10) while healthy dairy cows (n=10) were used as the negative control based on CMT results (negative, trace) with no clinical signs of IMI. However, no clinical IMI
case was found in this study. The SCC and the milk compositions parameters (milk
fat, protein, casein, lactose, total solid, solid non-fat (SNF), free fatty acids (FFA),
and acidity) were determined and casein, lactose, SNF and SCC were found to be
significantly different between control and subclinical IMI groups. Furthermore,
casein, lactose and SNF were also found negatively correlated with the SCC. In
conclusion, significant changes in milk compositions parameter can be found in milk
of dairy cows with subclinical IMI which consequently affect milk quality.