Summary: | Introduction: Banana (Musa spp.) is consumed fruit and among the highest hectarage fruit crops
in Malaysia based on Crop Statistic Report, Department of Agriculture Malaysia 2016. Cavendish
cultivars is the most commercially important banana in worldwide and highly potential for
industrial export due to their nutrient and shelf life. Rejected banana peel from industry processing
which are not equivalent to the standard are cheap and unlimited beneficial content. The usage of
synthetic antioxidant contains harmful ingredient and effect human health in long period
consumption. Thus, it is important to find an alternative ingredient such as tannin compound to
replace it. Materials and method: This study investigates the different solvent: aqueous,
methanol, ethanol, acetone and mixture of solvent with water for extraction to evaluate tannin,
phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant activity from unripe and ripe Cavendish banana peel. Result:
Aqueous extract in unripe peel had the highest tannin content (172.30 mg TAE/g sample)
compared to the ripe peel (135.090 mg TAE/g sample). Meanwhile, the total content of phenolic
(209.154 mg GAE/g sample) and flavonoid (44.111 mg RE/g sample) were higher compare to
other solvents. In addition, the antioxidant potential by DPPH and ABTS assay are comparable
to other solvents. Discussion: Unripe peel of Cavendish banana contain high tannin and phenolic
compound than ripe peel from aqueous extract. Aqueous extraction by using water is compromise
approach that are eco-friendly nature, effective, cheap, safe and avoiding the toxic solvent.
Conclusion: High antioxidant compound and activity could be obtained from unripe banana peel
by using aqueous extraction.