Summary: | Introduction: Diabetic patients with adequate health literacy are known to have better
control of the disease. However, the level of health literacy and the determinants
associated with it among rural populations is still questionable in Malaysia. The study
aims to determine the level of health literacy with regards to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(T2DM) and the factors associated to it among patients attending rural government
health clinics in the district of Kuala Selangor.
Objectives: To determine the factors associated with the level of health literacy
among T2DM patients attending Tanjung Karang and Sungai Tengi Kanan rural
government health clinics in the district of Kuala Selangor
Methodology: A cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire was
conducted with a total of 223 respondents with T2DM. The respondents were selected
using systematic random sampling. A validated questionnaire was used and it
consisted of socio-demographic, current medical history of T2DM, Michigan Diabetes
Knowledge Test (MDKT), MY-TOFHLA, adherence to treatment, Summary of
Diabetic Self Care Activity (SDSCA), Diabetic Quality of Life (DQoL), and
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). IBM Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) Version 23.0 was used to analyse all collected data. The
descriptive results were presented as median and interquartile (IQR) and frequency
(%). Chi-square test was used to analyse the relationships between dependent and
independent variables. For continuous covariates, simple logistic regression was used
to determine the relationship with the dependent variable. The predictors were then
analysed using multiple logistic regression. Results: The response rate was 86.9%. A total of 85% of the respondents had
adequate health literacy. Level Of Education, Household Income, Diabetes Duration,
Diabetes Knowledge, SDSCA Exercise, Blood Glucose Testing and Foot Care, and
all DQOL domains were significantly associated with the level of health literacy (p
<0.05). The odds of having adequate HL is higher among those with
Secondary/Tertiary Education [AOR = 5.990, 95% CI (1.301, 22.577), p = 0.022] and
household income RM1000 and above [AOR = 4.836, 95% CI (1.152, 20.306), p =
0.031]. The odds of having better exercise score in SDSCA increased by 1.6 times
with the increase in 0.5 level of adequate HL [AOR = 1.459, 95% CI (1.101, 2.472),
p = 0.015]. Patients are more likely to have increased in score of foot care in SDSCA
by 1.4 times with the increase in 0.3 level of adequate HL [AOR = 1.424, 95% CI
(1.070, 1.894), p = 0.015].
Conclusion: The prevalence of adequate HL was high among the T2DM patients
attending Tanjung Karang and Sungai Tengi Kanan rural government health clinics in
the district of Kuala Selangor have adequate HL. The predictors of adequate health
literacy are Level Of Education, Household Income and Summary of Diabetic Self
Care Activity (SDSCA).