要約: | Vaccination is a key component of PRRS disease control strategies. Various types of
vaccines, including killed virus (KV) and modified-live virus (MLV) vaccines had been
develop for the control of the disease. In Malaysia field condition, the producers adopted
different vaccination regime which either breeder vaccination only or whole herd (both
breeder and porker herd) vaccination regime. Therefore, the ideal vaccines option (strain
or type) and vaccination approach had remained highly debatable in the market. Thus,
the objective of this study is to determine the pig immunity status against PRRS in farm
by comparing different farms which practicing different vaccination regime or different
types of PRRS vaccines in Malaysia farm condition by using PCR and ELISA technique
to check on the vertical and horizontal disease transmission and disease pressure in the
farm. There are 4 vaccinations regime being include in this study where Farm A only
vaccinated Type 2 MLV in breeder herd, Farm B vaccinated both Breeder and porkers
with Type 2 MLV, Farm C only vaccinated Type 1 killed vaccine (KV) in Breeder herd
and Farm D vaccinated both Breeder and porker with type 1 MLV. All samples collected
from all farms were test with both PCR and ELISA. Results showed that whole herd
vaccinating MLV approach is a better option for PRRSv control in the farm compare to
breeder approach (Chapter 3). In the farm that practiced whole herd vaccination
approach, Type 2 MLV showed its benefit in establishing the dominant strain in the farm
and able to better control of PRRSv circulation in the farm as compare to Type 1 MLV
(Chapter 4). When comparing between Type 2 MLV and Type 1 KV in breeder herd
vaccination approach (Chapter 5), the study showed that Type 2 MLV demonstrated its
benefit in controlling PRRSv shedding in the herd over Type 1 KV. The conclusion
obtain from this research to combat PRRS by strategically practice whole herd
vaccination regime (Chapter 3), using the Type 2 (US strain) vaccine strain (Chapter 4)
and MLV type vaccine (Chapter 5).