Summary: | Gender issues receive a considerable attention in financial behavior and financial
well-being studies. The expansion of educational services in Malaysia resulted in the
fast growing number of students enrolled in higher education. Education attainment
has been known as the main factor to achieve higher level of financial well-being in
later life, and evidence is growing showing that male and female college students
have the different level of financial behavior and consequently, perceived different
level of financial well-being. However, not much research done on financial wellbeing
and financial behavior of university students in Malaysia.
Financial behavior known as an important predictor of financial well-being and it is
associated with several factors such as financial knowledge, financial attitude and
financial socialization. Understanding the determining factors related to the financial
well-being among male and female college students as the future labor force participates is crucial to further develop appropriate strategies in the educational
system to promote better students' financial behavior. From gender perspective,
social learning theory, family resource management theory and feminist economic
theory could provide a valid basis for explaining and predicting gender differences in
financial well-being among college students.
This study sets out to examine the factors predicting financial well-being among
male and female Malaysian college students. Research instrument has verified
adequate levels of internal consistency, reliability, and content validity according to
the past researches. Data of the research was collected through a self-administered
questionnaire at 11 Malaysian universities (five publics and six privates) with a total
number of 2,340 respondents. Descriptive analysis, t-test, Path analysis and
Mediation analysis with Macro SPSS were employed to achieve the objectives of the
Results of the study revealed that female students have higher level of financial wellbeing,
effective financial behavior, lower level of financial knowledge, have more
conservative financial attitude and financially socialized at later age compare to male
students. Moreover, findings indicated that among several predictors, spendthrift
attitude has the highest effect on financial well-being among male and female
students. Results also indicated that financial socialization has an effect on the
financial behavior and financial problem among male students but among female
students, it has effect on financial behavior only. In addition, results indicated the
mediation effect of financial behavior and financial problem on the relationship
between predictors and financial well-being among male and female students. Among male students the following were factors that predict financial well-being:
spendthrift attitude, secondary socialization agents, financial behavior, primary
socialization agents, financial problem, financial socialization, conservative attitude
and financial knowledge. Male students' financial behavior has full mediate effect in
the relationship between financial socialization and financial well-being. Financial
problem and financial behavior have partial mediate effect on the relationship
between spendthrift attitude and secondary socialization agents; however, this effect
was greater through financial behavior.
On the other hand, among female students ranking by spendthrift attitude, primary
socialization agents, financial problem, financial behavior, secondary socialization
agents and conservative attitude were contributing to predict financial well-being.
Female students' financial socialization by full mediate effect, it shows that financial
behavior has effect on financial well-being. Financial problem and financial behavior
have partial mediate effect on the relationship between spendthrift attitude and
secondary socialization agents with financial well-being; however, this effect was
greater through financial problem. Findings of research highlight the need for
financial education for male and female students to be directed at assisting changes
in financial attitude and financial behavior. Regarding to the strong influence of
socialization agents, implications for further research and parents' education
practices were discussed.