Summary: | Dermatophytes are fungi that break down keratin of the stratum corneum and grow. They
cause superficial infections of the skin, hair, and nail that are referred to as tinea
infections. This disease of major public health problem around the globe causing a
considerable morbidity. Out of about 40.4 million inhabitants of Algeria, at least 568,900
(1.41%) of them have a serious fungal infection each year. However, determining of
existence of dermatophyte infection would therefore help in deciding the actual
prevalence rates of the infection and the risk factors associated. The results obtained in
this study may be used as a baseline data for epidemiological studies of dermatophyte
infection in the country. Also, the outcome may help policy makers to strengthen and
prioritize primary prevention and control programs on dermatophyte infection
Objectives: to determine the prevalence of dermatophyte infection and factors associated
among patients attending Dermatologic Department in a government hospital in Setif
province, Algeria. Methods: This was a cross sectional study done on patients attending
Dermatologic department. Data had been collected using self-administered structured
questionnaire with open and closed ended questions. The pilot study was conducted
using 400 questionnaires to collect information on socio-demographic data, environment
and sanitation, knowledge, attitude, and hygiene practice. Data was analyzed using IBM
SPSS version 25. Results: The response rate was 78.75%. The overall mean age of the
315 respondents was 38.81± 16.37years. The mean family monthly income was DR
41163.49± 15370.2. Prevalence of dermatophyte infections found to be 33.7%, 26% of
them had single infections. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that patients
with low family monthly income increased the odds of having dermatophyte infection
with almost 3.23 times (COR=3.23, 95CI=.994-10.49, p=.05). Similarly, presence of
chronic disease increased the odds of having dermatophyte infection with 2.27 times
among patients with skin disease (COR=2.27, 95%CI=1.018-10.49, p=.045). Poor
attitudes towards prevention of dermatophyte infection increased the odds of having
dermatophyte infection by 2.58 times (COR=2.58, 95%CI=1.14-4.74, p=.002)and
Patients who usually using public bath (hammam) are 4.81 times)more likely to have the
disease(COR=4.81, 95%CI=2.59-8.93, p=.001). Conclusions: Dermatophyte infection is still present a problem of concern in Setif province, Algeria. Current control measures
should be reassessed to enable introduction of effective measures to reduce dermatophyte
infection especially among patients with chronic disease.