Summary: | The purpose of this study was to examine whether there
was any significant correlation between pupils performance in the
Standard Five Assessment Examination in relation to a number of
variables namely, achievement motivation, socio-economic status,
intelligence, area of residence, school milieu and parental encouragement.
The main null hypothesis tested was:
"That there was no significant correlation between
performance in the Standard Five Assessment Examination
in relation to the following variables namely, the TAT,
the questionnaire on motivation, the Children Achievement
Scale, socio-economic status, intelligence, area of
residence, school milieu and parental encouragement."
Ninety pupils from forty English medium primary schools
In Selangor, were selected from the 1973 Standard Five Assessment
Examina tion Results through stratified random sampling and
were divided into the successful group and the unsuccessful
group which represented the three ethnic groups namely, the Chinese,
Malays and Indians. Data were collected by means of individual
interview. An intelligence test (Raven's Standard Progressive
Matrices) was administered and three measures of achievement
motivation were used namely, the Thematic Apperception Test, the
Children Achieveme nt Scale and a questionnaire prepared by the researcher. In addition, a questionnaire was also prepared for
the principals of schools, to get information regarding the school
milieu. The data were analysed by means of Pearson's product moment
correlation and analysis of varian
In the correlation analysis, it was found that with the
exception of the Children Achievement Scale and area of residence,
all the other variables namely the TAT, questionnaire on motivation,
socio-economic status, intelligence, school milieu and parental
encouragement showed significant correlations (p <.01) with
performance in the above examination. The TAT was found to have
a high correlative value (p<.01) with a number of variables
under study with the exception of the CAS and area of residence.
The CAS as a measure of achievement motive showed negative correlations
with all the variables under study. Socio-economic status was found
to have significant correlations (p<.01) with several variables
including performance in the above examination, the TAT, questionn aire
on motivation, intelligence and parental encouragement. Another
interesting finding was the significant correlation (p<.01) between
parental encouragement in relation to performance in the examination,
TAT, questionnaire on motivation, socio-economic status and