Summary: | Axially crushed thin-walled structure that is usually used for impact energy
absorption is expected to collapse in a progressive stable manner. However, the
collapse process is frequently disturbed by a premature bending that sees the
failure of the structure that leads to poor energy absorption. This occurrence of
premature bending is due to several factors such as poor design parameter and
substandard fabrication of the thin-walled structure.
To diminish the phenomenon of premature bending, a method of applying
origami pattern to the wall of the thin-walled structure was seen beneficial, as
the origami crease lines would be the guiding lines for the progressive collapse.
Several studies have shown positive results where the amount of energy
absorption is increased with the origami pattern application, specifically with
Yoshimura origami pattern, which has similar pattern with the collapse mode
pattern of thin-walled structures. Nevertheless, the relations between the origami
pattern parameter configurations with the dynamic axial crushing are not well
comprehended, thus, it will result to a costly design iteration.
Therefore, a mathematical model is developed where the responses of the
origami pattern parameters to the dynamic axial crushing is known, along with
the development of an efficient origami patterned energy absorber structure.
Numerical model simulation was employed in analysing the dynamic axial
crushing responses of conventional thin-walled and origami patterned thin-walled
structures where the origami pattern parameter configurations were
quantified through the energy absorption, specific energy absorption (SEA),
initial peak crushing force (Ppeak), mean crushing force (Pmean) and crush force
efficiency (CFE) values. The numerical simulation was also verified experimentally, using an experimental rig for the dynamic axial crushing
Overall, when the Yoshimura origami pattern was utilized to a thin-walled
structure, the results showed an increase of CFE and SEA of up to 206.67 % and
17.49 % accordingly, when compared with the conventional plain square thin-walled
structure. On the other hand, when compared with the existing vehicle
crash box, an increase of CFE and SEA up to 58.62 % and 6.95 % is seen,
accordingly. From the parametric studies of the origami pattern, a mathematical
model was also derived, to predict the Pmean values of axially crushed origami
patterned thin-walled structure, where it has proved to successfully predict the
obtained Pmean of thin-walled structure, having a varied origami pattern
configurations. Accordingly, the optimum origami pattern parameters were
employed to the energy absorbing structure and its crashworthiness is seen
comparable with the existing vehicle crash box.