Summary: | The Education Ministry in Malaysia is responsible for educating, guiding and
developing future school leaders and has emphasized the importance of succession
planning in education system. Principals are facing numerous challenges especially on
the practice of succession planning program including identifying future leaders,
retaining and developing employees’ leadership skills and key positions not filled by
talented leaders in schools. This research sort to determine the perceptions of subject
heads on the extent to which transformational leadership practice, talent development
and succession planning practices in national schools and whether a relationship does
exist between the practices of transformational leadership and talent development on
succession planning in national school organizations. This study utilized “Seven-
Pointed Star Model” for succession planning and management program. The
theoretical framework that guided this study is Bandura’s social cognitive theory and
situational leadership theory. The objectives of the study: a) to determine the level of
transformational leadership, talent development and succession planning practices in
Seremban national secondary schools; b) to determine the relationship between
transformational leadership, talent development on succession planning practices; and
c) to determine the contribution of selected factors on succession planning.
This study used quantitative approach with simple random sampling method. The
researcher used survey questionnaires that was administered among subject heads in
randomly selected schools. A total of 250 valid questionnaires were analysed using
SPSS. The findings revealed that subject heads perceived their principals to have
practiced moderately of succession planning and talent development while high level
practice of transformational leadership. The Pearson Product-moment correlation
analysis indicates a significantly positive and strong relationship between the succession planning towards the principal transformational leadership and talent
development. However, the results illustrate that, the correlation between the talent
development and succession planning is stronger than that of the transformational
leadership. Using the multiple regression analysis, talent development has the highest
beta coefficient of .733 compared to transformational leadership .116 which shows
that talent development makes the strongest unique contribution in explaining the
succession planning. This study contributes to the existing literature where talent
development found to have significant relations in the context of succession planning
practices. However, this contribution contextualized with school setting on succession
planning is yet to be imparted. From the theoretical aspect, this study hopes to
contribute to the theory of leadership. It is implied that the school principals should be
able to provide a great leadership characteristic and always ensure their high
leadership performance is significantly related to succession planning.