Summary: | Apple snails, Pomacea maculata had been recognized as the major pest in paddy
field quite some time ago in Malaysia. It had given a bigger impact towards the
production of rice. Botanical molluscicide which extracted directly from the plant that
contains saponin as bioactive compound might be able to help in controlling apple
snails. It also appears to be safe for human and the environment since it does not gives
toxic residues instead of using chemical mollusicicides. Therefore, this study was
conducted to measure the efficacy of TF nanoemulsion formulation towards P. maculata
which is the mortality bioassay. Five different concentration of eight of TF
nanoemulsion formulation against niclosamide was used in bioassay experiment. 1-2cm
of five snails was immersed in each of the treatment and replicated for four times.
Mortality of apple snails was recorded for every 30 minutes until all snails were died.
LT50 were determined by using Probit analysis. Among all concentration and
formulations, TF6 nanoemulsion formulation with 10000 ppm had the lowest value of
LT50 which is 164 minutes to achieve 50% mortality of P. maculata. Whereas, LT50
value for niclosamide (positive control) is 114 minutes. Therefore, from this study, TF6
nanoemulsion formulation could be a potential botanical molluscicide in controlling
population of apple snail because it was comparable with niclosamide. Eventhough
niclosamide gave 100% mortality effect towards apple snail but it would give negative
impact for human’s health and environment.