Summary: | This study was conducted to determine the effects of nutritive value of the weeds under
oil palm plantation towards the weeding preferences by Katjang goats in Malaysia. Four Katjang
goats were used in this. The goats were observed on their feeding behaviour of which type of
weeds that they favour the most by calculating the number of bites on certain weed species as
well as the time spent grazing on that weed. The goats were confined in smaller plots by the use
of net electric fence for easier handling as well as plotting the area randomly. Time spent
observing one goat is approximately fifteen minutes; when the time is up, the observation was
shifted to another goat. The goats grazed for about three hours per day or until they have reach
their satisfaction where all the weeds that they favours has been finished and all that left were the
unfavourable ones. The samples of the weeds that the goats grazed on were collected and
analysed for its content of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), acid detergent
fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). The results showed that the most favourable
weeds by Katjang goats is Asystasia intrusa (Chinese violet) followed by Clidemia hirta (hairy
clidemia) which are both broadleaves shrubs. The preference then goes with grasses such as
Centotheca lappacea (barbed grass), Cyrtococcum accrescens (diffuse panic grass) and
Ischaemum muticum (seashore centipede grass). The rest of the preferences are mostly ferns
which are Stenochlaena palustris (giant fern), Nephrolepis biserrata (broad sword fern) and
Adiantum latifolium, also one other broadleaves shrub, Chromolaena odorata (Siam weed).