Summary: | Homogeneous ternary (Te02)y [(PbO)x (B203)I-xh-y glass system (x = 0.0 - 0.50
and y = 0.7) were successfully synthesized using a conventional melt-quenching
method. The glasses were then irradiated at different doses from 5 kGy up to 25
kGy with intervals of 5 kGy with 1.33-MeV gamma rays at a constant dose rate of
3.167 kGy/hours produced by 60Co radionuc1ide. The effect of dose variation and
composition of PbO on the dielectric, optical, physical and structural properties of
the PbO-B203-Te02 glass has been studied. Generally, the increase in the density
is related to the high dense PbO (9350 kg/rrr') compared to that of Te02 (5670
kg/rrr'). This change in density by the addition ofPbO is also related to the change
in the atomic mass and atomic volume .of constituent elements. Furthermore, the
observed increase in density ofTe02-PbO-B203 glasses as irradiated with gamma
ray is due to a tightening effect or compaction of the glass structure. The XRD
diffractograms shows that all the glasses prepared are partially crystalline as the ,amount of PbO increased in the glass network. Furthermore, all the glass prepared
proved to fit amorphous state as the irradiation dose increases.
The addition of heavy metal oxide modifiers to pure Te02 leads to the progressive
formation of distorted Te03+I polyhedron followed by the creation of regular
trigonal Te03 pyramids that contain non-bridging oxygen. PbO stands out as
unique substance because of its dual role (i) as modifier, if Pb-O is ionic (ii) as
glass former with Pb04 structural units, if Pb-O is covalent. Based on the Raman
spectra results, the increase broad shoulders at 410 ern" indicate that new features
to vibrations of one of the partially crystalline phase of Pb3Te06. The existence of
Pb3Te06 is confirmed by X-ray analysis. The change in Tg indicates a change
related to the manner in which PbO gets arranged in the glass. Eventually, the
decrease in the glass transition temperature implies a decrease in the rigidity of the
network due to addition amount of network intermediate PbO. The glass transition
temperature increases with increasing of radiation dose which designate changes
of the glass structure.
The optical absorption spectra of the glasses were measured and the Urbach rule
has been applied to evaluate the fundamental absorption edges for all the glasses
from the obtained spectrum. The optical band gaps were calculated from the
absorption edge and it was found that the .optical band gap energy, Eopt depended
on the glass composition and irradiation exposure. The dielectric permittivity is
known as the polarizability of the material under external electric field whiles the
dielectric loss is contributed to the energy loss during polarization process. The
results of dielectric response measurements show that electrode polarization at low frequency, orientation polarization at intermediate frequency and polarization
of defect glass structure at high frequency are the most probable process
responsible for the observed dielectric behaviour of the studied glass samples. The
peaks are also clearly observed within the imaginary part of the electrical
modulus, M" as a function of frequency at different temperature. Activation
energy are observed to decrease with simultaneous successive increase in PbO
concentration of (Te02)y [(PbO)x (B203kx)l-y glasses and irradiation dose. The
reasons for such changes may be due to gradual increase in the fraction of
octahedrally positioned lead ions in the glass network which act as modifiers.
These ions weaken the glass network and create pathways suitable for migration
of free ions that build up space charge. Thus, the weaker the network, the more is
the space charge polarization, leading to an increase in the dielectric parameters.
The phenomenon is supported by (i) decrease in the glass transition temperature
Tg and related parameters with PbO concentration, (ii) the splitting of Te-O- Te
and B-O-B bonds in the Raman spectra and (iii) decrease in the value of optical
band gap, Eopt.