Summary: | Mathematics lecturers who are teaching at the foundation level, which is one of the
pre-university programmes in Malaysia, play an essential role in preparing students
for higher-level mathematics or courses that extend mathematics knowledge beyond
what was covered in secondary school. A lecturer with a limited grasp of
mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge has little room
for progress or novelty in the classroom or the ability to fuel students’ interest in the
mathematics subject. The results of international assessments in mathematics
showed that students in countries such as Singapore and Japan are very successful in
mathematics at the school level. This indicates that the students have high potential
in their ability to do problem solving and higher order thinking when they pursue
mathematics learning in higher education. In these countries, mathematics teachers
work together and research about lesson plans collaboratively. They improve their
content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge through teamwork using a
method of mathematics teaching which originated from Japan, which is called
Lesson Study. This study was conducted in a Foundation Center of a public
university in Malaysia. The study which employed the mixed method was aimed to
explore the impact of Lesson Study on mathematics lecturers’ content knowledge
(common content knowledge and specialized content knowledge) and pedagogical
content knowledge (knowledge of content and teaching as well as knowledge of
content and students) and students’ outcomes in mathematical problem solving,
motivation in mathematics and mathematics anxiety. A group of nine lecturers
(seven mathematics lecturers, a physic lecturer and the researcher) contributed in
developing research lessons through Lesson Study and two foundation classes with
95 students participated in the experimental part of the study. The researcher adopted
the qualitative case study method to understudy the Lesson Study group and quasiexperimental
method for the two foundation classes which were assigned as control and experimental groups. The lecturers collaboratively planned, discussed and
designed five research lessons and following that, the students underwent five weeks
of learning based on the lessons developed. Data collection methods which
comprised of interviews, observations and mathematics tests were used to collect
data of the lecturers. Data for the quantitative part were collected using tests to
determine the students’ mathematical problem solving ability, as well as a motivation
questionnaire (Butler, 2016) and an anxiety questionnaire (Bai, 2011). The results of
this study showed that mathematics lecturers through collaborative work and sharing
of knowledge and experiences greatly improved their content knowledge and
pedagogical content knowledge. Furthermore, there were significant differences
between the experimental and control groups in scores for mathematics problem
solving tests, motivation and anxiety but there is no statistical significant interaction
between treatment groups and gender on problem solving tests, motivation and
anxiety scores. In summary, the results of this study showed that Lesson Study is a
dynamic teaching method for pre-university programme and it has potentials in
improving mathematics lecturers’ content knowledge (common content knowledge
and specialized content knowledge) and pedagogical content knowledge (knowledge
of content and teaching as well as knowledge of content and students) in order to
enhance student learning in mathematics through use of research lessons based on
problem solving approach and higher order thinking skills.