Summary: | Knowledge of genetic variability within species of Bambara groundnut and the
nature of breeding techniques are critical in this crop improvement programme.
The importance of this information in underutilised crop species that mainly
existing as landraces with limited information about their breeding systems and
genetic diversity becomes important. Hence, this study was conducted to
evaluate the genetic variability and to establish the relation between yield and
its components in Bambara groundnut using multivariate analysis based on
seed weight. To achieve this objective, firstly, a field trial was conducted in
randomized complete block design with three replications on five Bambara
groundnut genotypes from Nigeria, namely; Giwa, Duna, Cancaraki, Jatau, and
Maiki. Prior to the field evaluation, the seeds of each genotype were grouped
into three seed weight categories namely large, medium and small-seed size. In
the second experiment, 28 lines were selected based on top grain yield plants
from each seed weight category from first generation of the previous field
evaluation. Data were collected on 25 agro-morphological traits and statistical
analysis was conducted using SAS version 9.4 software for the analysis of
variance, while variance component, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient
variation, heritability and genetic advance values were estimated. Cluster
analysis was performed using NT-SYS software to estimate the genetic
relations among the Bambara groundnut lines. The present study revealed
significant levels of variability among the genotypes, seed size categories and
interaction of genotypes and seed size categories for most of the yield and yield
components. High values of genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV≥20%)
coupled with genetic advance (GA≥20%) was recorded for the number of
medium seed weight per plant (GCV=36.76%, GA=36.15%), total large size
seed weight per plant (30.34%, 28.26%), total medium size seed weight per
plant (25.25%, 21.42%) and hundred seeds weight (20.02%, 29.29%), while
moderate GCV (>10%) value was obtained for the total number of seed per plant (11.34%). Among the genotype and seed size combinations, G5S is the
best for yield and yield component traits, while genotypes G3 is the best for
yield and yield components, whereas among the seed size categories small
seed size showed the high yield and yielding components. It was concluded
from the second-generation progenies evaluation indicates that considerable
amount of variation exists among Bambara groundnut cultivars for yield and
yield components. Moderate broad sense heritability values couple with high
genetic variance for growth traits such as wide plant canopy (52.17%) and
number of branches (34.36%), while low broad sense heritability values (0 to
30%) were recorded for other traits. Almost all of the traits positively associated
with the yield trait except the number of days to emergency, plant height, wide
canopy, days to maturity, fresh and dried biomass weight. Finally, the lines
evaluated were grouped into seven primary clusters using the unweighted pair
group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram based on the
measured traits. Based on genetic diversity results and agronomic traits
performance, improved lines, G5LR1P3, G1LR1P3, G4LR1P1, G2SR1P1 and
G3SR1P4 performed best in terms of yield and yield components. These
improved lines are recommended for large scale evaluation and utilisation in
the future breeding programme for development of high yield Bambara
groundnut varieties.