Summary: | Expansion in the commercial oil palm over the last few decades, because of increase in
the global demand for palm oil, has given impetus to rapid infrastructural transformation
and socio-economic development in Malaysia. However, despite the importance of palm
oil, it was alleged to have negative impact on the environment especially natural forest,
through loss of biodiversity, emission of greenhouse gas, displacement of indigenous
people etc. The aim of the study is to examine the consumer choice of certified
sustainable palm oil. The study objective investigates the consumer perception,
determine their preference for sustainable palm oil with environmental attributes and
appraise the consumers’ behavioural intention toward the choice of sustainable palm oil.
A self-administered interview via structured questionnaire of choice experiment and
structural equation model was administered to 322 consumers in Klang Valley Malaysia.
Information on the consumer perception of palm oil, based on its importance,
contribution to the economy, and effect on the environment was analysed. The result on
the consumer perception information indicates that, knowledge, awareness, and positive
opinion of the consumers to support sustainable palm oil in Malaysia is high. Choice
experiment was analyzed using Conditional Logit and Mixed Logit Models. Estimate of
consumers’ willingness to pay price premium for palm oil with sustainability attributes
was obtained, and heterogeneity in consumer preferences was revealed. Results of
choice experiment models indicates consumer preference for Mass Balance supply chain
model, moderate levels biodiversity conservation and carbon dioxide emission.
Education, income, and gender were the main interaction variables that influences
consumer choice for the attributes in the models. Conditional logit model result with
interaction indicates mean willingness to pay price premium above the stock price for
palm oil produced through Mass Balance process at 5.17% while Segregation through
process was 1.95%. price premium for Moderate conservation of biodiversity was 3.85%
and for moderate emission of carbon dioxide was 0.86%, while high biodiversity
conservation and lower emission was 1.71% and 1.34% respectively. In another vein,
result for interaction Mixed logit model has mean willingness to pay price premium
above the stock price for palm oil produced through Mass Balance process at 5.10%
while Segregation through process was 2.02%. price premium for Moderate
conservation of biodiversity was 3.88% and for moderate emission of carbon dioxide
was 1.77%, while high biodiversity conservation and lower emission was 1.68% and
1.35% respectively. Structural equation model was also analysed based on protection
motivation theory to appraise the consumers’ behavioural intention for their need to
protect self or their environment from the effect of unsustainable oil palm expansion.
Findings from the structural equation model indicate, consumers negative threat
appraisal and positive coping appraisal on one hand, extension of same model to include
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil constructs, the result indicated that consumers felt
threatened without the intervention of the sustainable certification of palm oil. However,
they perceived strategies adopted for addressing the problems associated with oil palm
such as loss of biodiversity and emission of harmful carbon dioxide as inadequate and
needs improvement. The outcome of this study indicates consumer willingness to
promote and protect the environment through their choice of sustainable palm oil.
Finding from this study will guide policy makers to incorporate consumers’ demandside
when setting sustainable palm oil standard. the study recommended that, to promote
environmental sustainability vis a vis expansion of oil palm, there is need stimulate
consumer support and also put in place enabling institutional mechanism that will
balance the trade-off between oil palm (Economy) and environmental attributes